Hi ladies! Appreciate any help I can get..
We had a very good routine with our bub up until a month earlier. He took two naps in the day total of 3h to 3h15. Bedtime was 7pm, he usually slept for 11h to 11h30. Then we travlled to the Europe (from Singapore) for three weeks. We did a lot of travel within Europe, he was generally fine and slept ok at night - but naps got messed up. Usually I had to APOP to put him to sleep when we were outside, he refused to sleep in the stroller on his own (understandably as he wasnt used to it. Even for bedtime, I rocked him, coz he wouldnt sleep by himself in unfamilier cots and rooms. Generally, it got all messed up for three weeks. i'm back now, and we have just gotten over jetlag (horrible!). I did apop even while he was jetlagged, coz he just wouldnt sleep... one time he was up for 8 hours!
He had very high tempreture a few days back which lasted for 2-3 days. He's just got better for the last two days but not yet eating or sleeping well. Last night he was up every hour from 12am. The night before he was up at 3 and did not sleep until 6am.
Where do I start to fix all this? Am I missing something here - maybe its the teeth (thats why he had the fever?)
Once he was over his jetlag, I finally stopped holding him and rocking him to sleep, jsut let him roll around in the cot - but I have to be in the same room and he sleeps. Can someone suggest a good EASY for a 14 month old?
His EASY is all messed one and one day doesnt look like the next.
I'm travelling again for three weeks to the UK in a month and expect everything to get messed up again. Dunno if its worth it to try and fix things in the meantime.