Hi ladies! I used to requent these forums quite a bit when DD was a younger pup, but since she turned a year old and went onto one nap i haven't been back as much.
I just would like to find out if she is having the right amount of sleep for her age and if anyone has any suggestions about her routine. I will of course go and have a look about and read the FAQ's etc., but thought i should post in the meantime.
As i type she is screaming at me from her cot because today she thought that 30 minutes was enough of a nap. I have been going in and laying her back down without cuddling at increasing intervals for the past 40 minutes. The next time i go up i will just get her up, although i hate to "give in" like this. Last time i went up it was genuine crying with tears and everything rather than just shouting.
Here's what our day looks like at the moment:
6-6.15am ~ Wake and cry ~ I try going in and laying her down to get to at least 6.30, maybe 7am, but all she does is cry. She might have an additional 10 minutes sometimes, but can never be sure if this is her sleeping or just being quiet. If i push the issue and make her stay in her cot until 7am she pretty much just cries the whole time.
12.15 - 1pm ~ Nap ~ She usually goes down great, but wakes up early. Most days she has about 45 mins - 1 hour. 1.5 hours is really lucky and unusual and sometimes - like today- she wakes after 30 minutes.
7 - 7.15pm ~ In bed. She usually goes down okay, but often wakes up after a couple of hours. She usually wakes at some point in the night too and needs to be laid back down to sleep. Sometimes 2-3 times.
The reason i have left things this long was mainly because we just let ourselves get into a funk with it. She has woken in the night for months and months and previously we picked her up to cuddle her and lay her back down. We decided to stop this recently (last few days) and she is still waking.
I thought she was maybe waking early on a morning because of the light mornings, but i noticed the last couple of days that when i go in there at 6am it's still dark, so that can't be it!
We have a new baby making an appearance sometime in the next 4-5 weeks, so i could really do with getting this sorted out before then.
Thanks for reading!