* Have you tried soup? A really tasty veggie soup, pureed smooth, wtih some grated cheese on top?
* Carrot and cucumber sticks with hummous to dip in - does he like to dip?
* For us I found that the colour green was becoming a warning - so I gave a little pot of (for example) green grapes with also some cucumber bits in. Gave him kiwi fruit. Frozen peas in a little pot as a snack. Now I try to give 'green' as often as possible, just so it stays in rotation.
* Adding veggies to favourite foods. ie if he likes ravioli, making a sauce of Philadelphia with a frozen cube of spinach mixed in. Or if he likes a chicken stew, adding in some butternut squash, courgette, muchrooms etc. Things in stew I have found are best if everything on his plate is cut up really small, so that it's very difficult to pick out the bits you don't like!
* to pick up and try carrot and broccoli is GREAT! Keep giving them! Remember he might need to taste then 20 times before he accepts them as something he likes. As soon as he tastes something, keep it in heavy rotation, to try and prevent him from then deciding again that he doesn't like it.