Hi my 7 mo daughter is simply not intersted in solids at all. I have tried everything! I started feeding her at 6 months. She would close her mouth and turn her head. Left it for a week. Tried again. Breast then solids. Solids then breast. Nothing! Now I offer solids first (baby rice cereal, oatmeal cereal. Tried peas, carrots, pears, bananas, apples & bananas, mixed veg, etc....doesn't like anything.)
I have managed to get her to open her mouth and swallow some foods (through toy trickery), but she is not willingly interested.
What to do! I have read other posts and other 7 mo's are eating some many foods, both jarred and "real people food", and my poor LO wants nothing of it.
Please help or lend advice!
Thank you kindly,