Author Topic: Concerned about milk intake-HELP PLEASE!!!  (Read 1315 times)

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Offline *Lil t*

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Concerned about milk intake-HELP PLEASE!!!
« on: September 18, 2010, 01:43:41 am »
Hi! Tyler is 13.5 months and I'm concerned about his milk/dairy intake. He was bf (only 2 feeds since 11 months) until 12.5 months and has been drinking whole cows milk since 12 months from a sippy cup. While bfeeding, i never really thought about his intake rather that he took it when offered. He has been sleeping through the night since he was 3 months old. He is a tiny guy and never really drank more than 4-5 oz when given a bottle so, getting him to drink 16-24oz of milk doesn't happen. I know I can make up for this with other sources of dairy such as yogurt and cheese. I just find it difficult trying to add it in everywhere while still making sure he eats enough veggies, as fruits I don't seem to have a problem getting enough in :) This is what his schedule looks like:

8/830am- wake, eat breakfast with 4oz of milk (most days only has 3oz)
10am- snack
11am-12:30- nap
12:30/1pm- lunch with 4oz of milk (again most days will only have 3oz)
3:30-5pm- nap
5/5:30- snack
6:30- dinner with 4oz of milk (and once again most days will only have 3 oz)
7:30- bath
8:00- bed

I use to give milk at bedtime rather than at dinner, but has refused it each time. In addition to his milk feeds, he gets about 3 oz of yogurt and 1 oz of cheese a day. Is this enough? How do I get more veggies in him if I am also trying to fit the dairy in for snacks?

I need help!!!!

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Re: Concerned about milk intake-HELP PLEASE!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2010, 01:55:15 am »
I've been wondering the same for my DS who is 14 mo and just self-weaning from the breast.  From what I've read, the recommendation is 16ish oz of milk/day but that's with no other sources of calcium.  So I think with what he's getting for milk plus the yogurt and cheese that he's doing fine.  I would keep doing what you're doing.  My guy takes about 8-10 oz of milk a day plus 3-5 servings of cheese or yogurt, so really about the same as yours.  I've decided to try offering more milk at meals but other than that to just go with it.

Not sure if that helps but maybe it helps that I'm in the same position? :D

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Re: Concerned about milk intake-HELP PLEASE!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2010, 15:49:34 pm »
I think that looks just fine! :)
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
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Offline *Lil t*

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Re: Concerned about milk intake-HELP PLEASE!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2010, 01:22:36 am »
Since my last post, Tyler has been drinking the full 4oz at each meal (sometimes 5 oz at breakfast). I have been getting a lot of mixed advise, saying that i shouldn't be giving milk with meals and should be about 90 minutes separation between the two. Also, that I should be giving milk before bed. Following the babywhisper method, when I was breast feeding I recall combining the bf with meals around 10 months. Does it matter how and when he gets his milk feeds, just as long as he gets it and is satisfied. Please advise. Thanks!

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Re: Concerned about milk intake-HELP PLEASE!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2010, 17:34:06 pm »
Like many things, meal information depends on who you ask ;)  But at least where I live, once a LO is 12 mo they should be getting most of their nutrition and calories from actual food rather than breastmilk or formula. But like you said, as long as he gets what he needs and is satisfied that's what's most important.
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
Spirited + Reflux =  :o