Lo is 1yr and 2 weeks.
She was never so keen on milk! I have tried all different arrangements with the help of the lovely ladies on here, but her milk intake was on the VERY low side.
She also STTN since she was 5.5months... Lucky me!
BUT, since she turned 1, we ve been having a night wake at 10:30pm every night! ( We also transitioned to 1nap very quickly, and we were on a holiday for 2 weeks!, just came bk)
Wake at 7, refuses bottle or take 1or2oz
Breakfast at 8
Snack at 10:15 - a fruit
Sleep at 11 till 130- I offer bottle before nap that she sometimed take
Lunch at 145
Snack at 245
Diner at 6pm
Sleep at 7 or 730- with 2oz bottle here.
Wake consistently at 1030 sometimes at 1130 sometimes before for a bottle.
I try to not give it, but we end up with a lot of NWs...
Her meals are all very consistent of carbs, dairy and fruit for mrng,
Carbs, proteins and vegs and dairy and a kiwi or orange juice for lunch and carbs with dairy and some vegs or fruit for diner.
We have a total of 6oz of formula with the night feed...
I'm a bit confused of where this neeed for a milk bottle started! She is an independant sleeper...I started offering a bottle before naps when we turned to 3 bottles, but she never actually used it to be able to sleep, iykwim, I don't think its a prop! Or is it?
she seems to be really hungry, she takes 4oz at night...
Any ideas? Many thanks