Author Topic: Ovaltine / Ovomaltine  (Read 14189 times)

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Ovaltine / Ovomaltine
« on: September 19, 2010, 08:54:14 am »
I was surprised when I got some Ovaltine (Ovomaltine) yesterday to see that it is market as an "energy drink" here. My Polish and Czech friend also were shocked that I said it is a "calming bedtime drink" - they also think of it as an energy drink. I've checked online for contents/ingredients and there isn't really any difference.  

I would really like DS to start drinking it, he could use the extra nutrition from it but don't want to be giving it to him after dinner if it's going to get him wired (or any time of the day really as this boy is high energy enough as it is!!) but not sure if it will or not....any experiences with toddlers who drink it?  Do you use it as a calming bedtime drink?
« Last Edit: September 19, 2010, 16:18:11 pm by Mashi »

Offline teilvnav

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Re: Ovaltine / Ovalmaltine
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2010, 13:14:01 pm »
My mom used to give it to us mixed in warm milk when we couldn't sleep or when we were ill. If it really is the same mixture, then it is possible that it is just marketed differently in Germnay than in Canada. I tried giving it to Nathan recently, but he didn't like it so I can't say what affect it had on him. A friend of mine gives it to her DD (who is now almost 3) all the time, and has for over a year. My friend is a coffee addict, and this was her way of responding to her DD's constant attempts to drink her coffee. The girl is very spirited, so I can't say whether it has a calming affect or not.

I am curious to see what others say, since I always thought it was good to give to kids...

Offline Mashi

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Re: Ovaltine / Ovalmaltine
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2010, 13:33:47 pm »
Amy from all I can tell the European version (any containers manufactured in Switzerland rather than the UK) has less sugar but that is the only difference!  So it's funny the slightly more sugared version in the UK is marketed as a sleepy bedtime drink but the one here is a high energy drink! ??? 

I tried giving some to DS the other day but he spat it out.  Argh!  He's not eating much of anything lately with his 2yr molars and 1 cup of milk with ovaltine (200mls so actually less than a cup) has 440 mg of calcium which is very close to all he needs in a day - bit of cheese can top that off for him.  I just figure that with him eating next to nothing the least I could do is stuff some extra nutrition into his milk....but as you say with a spirited DS who knows if it will relax him before bed at all!!!

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Re: Ovaltine / Ovalmaltine
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2010, 14:14:37 pm » the US, Ovaltine has always been marketed as a morning thing, like a quick breakfast.  I guess offering it in the morn or mid-morn would ease any worries about it winding him up.   :-\

Offline Mashi

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Re: Ovaltine / Ovalmaltine
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2010, 14:41:51 pm »
Really? You mean like a "Carnation Instant Breakfast" type thing (altough admittedly I have no clue if they even still exist!)  Funny the differences in the various parts of the world!  My Czech friend says her husband has it before a big meeting at work when he knows he really needs to be "on" or like a presentation or something!!! 

Offline aisling

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Re: Ovaltine / Ovalmaltine
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2010, 15:19:37 pm »
I think maybe the cocoa/caffeine element may be the lift or the boost that maybe why they market it as energy drink there.  Yes Anne, I've heard it as a breakfast idea too on a  cold winters day. Mashi they still have Carnation Instant breakfast here, my Mum had it when she was sick to give her a nutritional boost.

I remember bugging my Mum as a kid to get Ovaltine, then she got it and I thought it was going to be sooo delish and it was gross! She was so mad at me lol!  I remember it tasting sort of malt like, is that right? 

Why do they call it Ovaltine? The mug is round. The jar is round. They should call it round tine. That's gold, Jerry! Gold!   :D

Offline Mashi

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Re: Ovaltine / Ovalmaltine
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2010, 16:17:48 pm »
Yes it is malt - malt is apparently the part of it that calms you and relaxes you, malt is also apparently very good for boosting milk production for BFing moms (though I did not BF so am not sure, just saying what I've read).

There is no caffeine in Ovaltine and not all of them contain cocoa, only if you buy the Chocolate flavoured variety. I have the regular/original one which is still brown coloured but not really "chocolatey" -- I remember when I was pregnant and surviving on the stuff (also a very good source of folate so in those first weeks of not keeping anything in my tummy at least a mug every evening kept some nutrients going to DS!!!)  -- anyway I decided to indulge and go for the chocolate one and it was gross!!

The jar says that the "energy" boost is from the vitamin content - carbs from the malt, then a load of vitamins.  So I suppose that is true but malt is supposed to make you sleepy! There is actually not even any sugar in any of the product that is actually manufactured in Switzerland, and you sweeten it on your own!

Aisling in terms of the name it is actually called Ovomaltine - ovo meaning "egg" and malt because it is a malt drink. The name was changed by accident when it was first imported to the UK due to a typo!

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Re: Ovaltine / Ovomaltine
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2010, 16:40:00 pm »
I just bought myself some carnation instant breakfasts since I wanted to be eating enough in the morning to get me going and have some nutrients, but don't always have the time as I am NOT a morning person. I thought with being pg. it was a good idea to at least have that for my rushed days. DD seems to like it when I offer her a sip. I haven't checked the sugar content, etc. so haven't made her a glass of her own yet.

Just compared online, looks like CIB has 19g sugar (but more overall carbs) and Ovaltine has 18g sugar. CIB seems to have higher calorie content and also higher percentages of the vitamins, etc. probably b/c it's for adults who have a higher calorie dietary need in general though. But if he's eating next to nothing, that might be something to look into as well?????

Offline Mashi

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Re: Ovaltine / Ovomaltine
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2010, 17:09:47 pm »
The US version of ovaltine is VERY different! I just looked at the link you posted Nicole and the ingredients are sugar, cocoa and powdered milk solids (basically) but sugar is the number one ingredient and there is no malt in it so it is not a malt beverage at all it's really just a chocolate milk powder.  The ovomaltine here is 47% malt extract powder, then milk powders, sugar, yeast and some egg powder -- so a VERY different drink.  Despite that there is more sugar in the European version!!!!  Odd isn't it!

Nicole I think the difference is that the Carnation Breakfasts are meant to be more of a meal replacement so more calories in them than the Ovolmaltine/Ovaltine, which is just a drink with nutrition added in.  It does not add many more calories - 200 mls of milk is 137 calories on its own, but with the ovomaltine it's only 171 calories - so not so much filling as it is a whack of vitamins added to your milk.  So I figure that way it won't stop him from eating but if he doesn't eat then at least his milk is more nutritious!!!

Hmmm wait - I've just checked my milk jug of whole milk in the fridge for that 137 cal and the ov packet says that is 171 cal with 1.5% numbers are not quite right.

So I guess the only way I'll know if it calms him or wires him is to try it....which is all irrelevant anyway as I've just handed him a sippy of it and he took a swig and said "yuck" and threw his sippy on the floor. ::)

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Re: Ovaltine / Ovomaltine
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2010, 17:12:41 pm »
Oh Mini Mashi! Giving your mommy a run for her money as usual!

Offline aisling

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Re: Ovaltine / Ovomaltine
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2010, 17:34:10 pm »

Offline teilvnav

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Re: Ovaltine / Ovomaltine
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2010, 17:43:36 pm »
Ha! Figures!

Offline MLK

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Re: Ovaltine / Ovomaltine
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2010, 12:57:18 pm »
The ovaltine here in Oz I think is similar to Milo -  a cocoa drink with sugar and added vitamins. Milo is marketed as an energy drink.

There IS a malt powder that is marketed as a calming bedtime drink  - I think it is called Horlicks?

Though it all sounds a bit academic with your LO!

Offline Texomamama

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Re: Ovaltine / Ovomaltine
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2010, 18:30:28 pm »
I have always given my DD1 (who will be 3 next month) warm milk with Ovaltine (chocolate malt flavor) with her milk.  It was the only way I could get her to drink milk, and I wanted her to get some extra vitamins.  I give it to her first thing in the morning and right before bed.  I have never known it to have any effect on her in terms of "wiring" her up.  Keep in mind the serving size.  I am in the U.S. and the suggested serving size is a whopping 4 TBSP and has 15 g of sugars.  That is a lot IMO.  I only use about 1 teaspoon, so I would imagine there are only about 4-5 g of added sugar.  Worth it to me to get her to drink milk.

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Re: Ovaltine / Ovomaltine
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2010, 20:55:45 pm »
After I saw this thread I got some and tried it on my two - DS (who could do with the extra calcium) flatly refused, DD chugged it down. Tried her again, she took one sip and handed it back ::) ::).

However I did discover a treat they both like has a good dose of calcium whilst up the park yesterday. They both like Wall's Mini Milk lollies - not too big, not too messy. I must confess I have never really looked at the nutritional info - I had them as a child as a treat so they must be ok :-[. Anyway it turns out in one little lolly there is 240mg of calcium - 4.5g of sugar too but I don't think that's too bad for an occasional treat with the bonus of the calcium!

Off to make DH some ovaltine now - not too keen on it myself :P
