I spent 5 hours last night going through the forum for teeth brushing threads and can't find any tips that we have not tried that actually work. Hoping maybe someone has some new ones lately

For about the past 6-8 weeks or so (ha! just like every other issue we are dealing with!!!) DS is refusing to have his teeth brushed. At first we were letting him do it to at least get it "done" but his teeth were not getting cleaned at all doing it his way so we have had to take over the job. We offer to let him do it first and then us do it second but he's against it. As soon as the word "mouth" or "teeth" or "toothbrush" is uttered he screams his head off and runs somewhere to hide. He clamps his mouth shut, bites is hands, pushes, thrashes, scratches at us, pounds the walls, throws things around the room, etc. It has been a good month or so of pinning him down, holding his arms by the wrists so he can't slap me and taking advantage of fact that because he is screaming his head off and crying his eyes out it means his mouth is open and scrubbing them while he literally FREAKS out.
I agree with the idea of "pick your battles" but for me this is basic hygiene and teeth must be brushed three times a day. It is 100% non-negotiable. But this battle three times a day, 30 minutes each time, has gone beyond stupid. I get so riled up that today after going through it all I have yelled at him, told him I have had it with this teeth brushing BS and stuck him in his cot crying his eyes out and pulled his bedroom door closed. We were supposed to meet friends 30 minutes ago but it took me nearly AN HOUR to brush his teeth so we are still at home.
I can't keep going through this, for me OR him, but teeth need to be brushed. I need BTDT support!!!
PS - stickers, rewards, timers, distraction, two toothbrushes, him doing mine -- done it all. Some of them worked for a day, some of them for a couple of days, and one of them got me a bloody nose.

Please, I need survival tactics!