Oddly, Josie wouldn't watch TV till she was 2-1/2. That in itself is supposed to be one of the hallmarks of ADD or similar neuro issues. She wasn't interested, couldn't attend to it long enough to get diddly out of it.
Now the girls are older I do find it a relief for them to have something safe to do while I teach music lessons - I do chase them outside when I can and I know I should do more of it, and our backyard is fenced but right now we're infested with stinkbugs and mosquitoes and frankly none of us wants to be out there long, and our neighborhood is relatively safe but not safe enough that I feel OK about letting them spend the hours unsupervised that I did in my old neighborhood growing up.
That said, I do try to make an effort to limit screen time, and what they watch is markedly different from what their peers watch. At karate yesterday another kids's younger sister was offering to let Natalie play with her Leapster (which Nat had never seen before) and asked if she wanted to play the Dora game or the Ni Hao game or the star Wars game - and in true SyFy geek fashion, she picked Star Wars as she hasn't ever watched the others, has only heard of Dora in passing.

Heck, they like Food Network! Seriously, I've started teaching a music lesson with them watching CyberChase and come out to find them watching Giada DiLaurentis!

If only I could get them to appreciate the DIY channel we'd get along better TV-wise. LOL