Author Topic: snacking grrrrrrr its affecting mealtimes  (Read 2850 times)

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Re: snacking grrrrrrr its affecting mealtimes
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2010, 10:26:49 am »
Stacy, i actually decided to try your approach today because he was begging me for food at 10.30, so i gave him a whole pottle of yoghurt and a peice of toast, this is how much I would usually give him for lunch, well he ate the whole lot! then I just gave him some chicken for lunch, he didnt eat much but i figured at least all the food he ate wasnt too bad and yes it was back to front but oh well!

as for the rest of the afternoon we had visitors and he was in a mess of a mood after only a 40min nap so he was tantruming all day long and wanting food, i figured because hed had such a small lunch he must be hungry so i just gave him some food, he still ate his dinner so i guess it went ok.

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Re: snacking grrrrrrr its affecting mealtimes
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2010, 10:49:41 am »
We do similar to what Stacy said and what you did today. I really think the main thing is just to keep the "snacks" more like mini meals and as healthy as possible. Hence why I always have things like a homemade granola bar, banana, etc in my diaper bag - we are out a lot and I don't want to have to resort to junk if he's hungry. Like Kaleb, my DS is rarely hungry for breakfast at the "right" time. He'll usually only have a bit of fruit then and wants his toast or whatever later (usually in the stroller, car or shopping cart!) Just try to note if he's truly hungry or just bored - we can always tell here if going outside works or a DVD works then he was just bored. Often he's truly hungry - he has fast metabolism and likes frequent small meals.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: snacking grrrrrrr its affecting mealtimes
« Reply #17 on: September 23, 2010, 13:40:06 pm »
We had to hit snacks on the head for a while a few months back because DS just wasn't eating his meals - now we've added them back in but he'll pretty much only have fruit for now.  He tucks into his lunch and dinner again now though!

I think Ben just stopped needing the extra calories that he was eating.

Agree with some of the pp's too - Ben can't reach any snacky things in our house apart from strawberries and grapes in the fridge which he will occasionally help himself too - not very often though.  I think if he could reach the biscuits he'd always be after them!!!

Oh - he does have milk still about 15/20 minutes after he wakes up and then has breakfast an hour after that.  He LOVES his milk!

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Re: snacking grrrrrrr its affecting mealtimes
« Reply #18 on: September 23, 2010, 20:43:33 pm »
ive tried giving him some milk in the morning but hes just not interested in it anymore. I tried giving him some Milo so that it was a nice sweet drink but still no.
well hes woken up at 6am today! and went straight for the pantry so I said to him "do you want a drink?" and he shook his head, i said "do you want some breakfast" no reply which usually means yes. so i made him two peices of toast and he ate one peice. so breakfast was an early 6.30am today, im gathering morning tea will be a big one then