Author Topic: for those just starting out solids, how much food does you LO actually eat?  (Read 2281 times)

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Heya  :)

what quanities of solids are you LO's taking int eh first few weeks  of starting solids?

Ds2 has been on solids for 10 days.  We are struggling to get 3 teaspoons into him. I have tried a range of times to feed him food ranging from 10 mins to 1 hours after a feed.  It doesn't seem to matter.   I know its not a race, and I know its about curiousity and insterst,  and I know that all LO's are different, but I am wondering how to help his appetite for food along a bit?

 I do have a big milk supply, he feeds 2-3 times at night which is probably where he takes alot of calories. I am hoping to reduce the length of his night  feeds for  a start (as the Nw's are doing my head in !)  But I was also hoping to feed him more milk and solids in the day so as to stop him from Nw'ing YKWIM?

He loves his finger food though - he will eat 1/2 rice cake by sucking it and a whole rice rusk eagerly. 

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We will be starting in a month or so, so I am interested too in what others are doing.  I don't remember counting amounts with T, I just offered and he ate what he ate.  Which is really all you can do is offer, he will decide what he eats.  And remember it doesn't matter if he eats one bite or 20 at this stage.  But I wonder if, like you mentioned, Kai is filling up on calories at night and that's why he's just not that hungry for solids.  It's a catch 22 isn't it, you want him to eat a bit more solids to hopefully get rid of some night feeds, but he won't drop night feeds yet so therefore isn't hungry for the solids!   ::)  I think we will be in the same position because F still eats 2-3x night as well.  There might be some better advice coming along, but I think you just do what you can and offer as much as you can.  It sounds like you're doing the right things, and offering him finger foods helps too.  Either that or get tough and drop a night feed cold turkey and see if it increases his appetite.  As for what others are doing with solids, it helps to have an idea but try not to compare how much other babies are eating because they are different babies.  :)
« Last Edit: September 25, 2010, 19:34:48 pm by Martina Rae »
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Hi, it sounds like you are doing great. It can be very slow at first especially as you are very early days. Unless you want to actively wean the night feeds (I never did) then I think it is just a matter of time and patience. I always waited an hour after a BF for solids so there is room for the food. If he likes his rice cakes maybe offer more finger foods? Take more of a BLW approach?? I know you have lots of allergies and so it is hard but there are always ways!

How long is taking to get the 3 tsps into him?? Does he try and grab the spoon? What are you feeding him at the mo?

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Just for your info...DS never really ate much in terms of solids until I dropped down to 3 bottles less than a month ago.  When he was 7-8 months he ate only 1-2 tbsp a meal and at 9 months he was still only eating a few tbsp every meal (with 26-28oz of formula/day).  Unless I gave him cheerios or blueberries which he could eat loads of!  He is a big boy (31 inches, 24lbs), but just doesn't eat very much.  I know that he is eating as much as he wants though, because he went through a growth spurt not that long ago and he ate more than me for a few days  :o

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Hiya EloysH, when my LO started on solids he was 5 months and took 3 teaspoons in the beginning too= 1 tablespoon. Now he is 7 months and takes about 3 tablespoons and a bit more sometimes.

Offline EloysH

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Hi Ladies,

thanks  :)  My  mind is at ease. What bugs me is that i am struggling to form some sort of feeding and solids routine, it seems I give different solids meals every day and at different times.  I am cutting milk feeds down (was giving top ups before naps).

How did you get you and your Los into a solid eat/solids routine?

thanks again

« Last Edit: September 26, 2010, 10:04:32 am by EloysH »

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For the first few weeks it is a real muddle fitting it all in, once A times increase a bit it gets easier. I have always given a BF straight after a nap so I then tried to give solids 1 hour after that. It doesn't matter what they eat at this stage.

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It took DS awhile to get the hang of how to eat solids.  I started solids at 6 months at which time we switched to 4 bottles/day (whenever he woke up and before bed), and offered solids one hour after his morning feed.  I didn't start adding other solids meals until 7.5 months when he had a better handle on how to eat solids.  I had found that I was stressing too much about solids and he didn't really need them for nutrition sake at that point so I chose to only do breakfast for awhile.

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My lo just started eating 3 meals/day and I too do bf then eat around an hour later. Seems to work well and I am starting to see that I dont need to supplement (she was getting 12 ounces/24 hours of formula) nearly as much. Mostly only at night now.

I would say she eats 2-3 tablespoons each feeding. Lunch is much less, maybe 1. I am going to try the rice cake thing! I am running out of ideas for finger foods for little M!
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With J I had real issues with solids due to his reflux. He was very slow to accept them. I found he needed a 2 hr gap for the milk to be done refluxing before he was even interested.

He ended up weaning mainly to finger foods as he by that stage really didn't like being fed at all. I think he was trying to control his own feeding by then after months of reflux. He was well medicated at this point so the pain was fixed - it was the mechanical fluxing causing trouble.

I would try as wide a gap as your A will allow - and offer all the purees as finger foods as well as he may prefer to wean that way.