We drove 12 hrs to visit my IL's recently, and it was ok. Nathan was as good as gold the way there, even though he is very active. We stopped every hour or two to let him walk around, and I often sat in the back seat with him so he was entertained. We also borrowed a portable dvd player and tv to strap to the back of DH's seat, but the battery only lasted for 30 min at a time so it only helped once in a while. On the way back he was not as good, and cried pretty much solidly for the last 3 hrs... we just had to keep on driving. We left super early in the morning, like 5 am, so that he would drift off to sleep again in the carseat. I would say bring lots of easy foods like crackers and fruit, bring kid's music and be prepared to sing along, bring a few new books and toys to keeo him entertained, and just do what you can until you get there. Good luck!