We did lots of pasta based dishes around this time. Mac n' cheese with soft cooked veggies. You can get those tiny pastas, like pastina, and put sauce and other things with it. We also did a lot of chicken based meals b/c chicken is easy to chew. Ground beef is also easy, and if you cook pork well and it is tender that is easy enough to chew as well.
Most things can be eaten by hand. Veggies can be cut into strips and baked so they are softer and served like "fingers" for easy grabbing and gnawing.
Even oatmeal and cereal based breakfasts can be hand fed if thick enough. Gross, but your LO may love it. You can do french toast or pancakes as well (check when your doctor wants you to intro. eggs if you haven't already before doing french toast, etc.)
cheese and crackers. Some lunch meat, like turkey. yogurt is great. This is the age where you can start introducing meals that you yourself would eat in smaller bites and just ensuring there are no "danger" foods that are likely to cause allergic reactions, etc. Even fish like salmon, tilapia, flounder, tuna, should be okay.
Lots of fruit can be for breakfast or snacks. Muffins are fantastic.
I'll try to think of more.
For feeding....you can try to give him two utensils so his hands are occupied and he is trying to feed himself and then give yourself one and try to feed him as well. Put some on his tray/area and give yourself another small bowl. More to clean up, but more may get into him.