Hi, my daughter, 12 months, cant sit still to finish her meal although she likes to eat more. It is just that she wants to eat while walking around. she started to walk just a two weeks ago, and I happened to let her get off her chair and feed her while cruising. I walked after her with plate in my hand trying to put one more spoonful to her mouth and yes she eats that way if it is sth she likes. I want to teach her meal is eaten while sitting at the table in her highchair. What is the best way to teach this?
Until now I was concerned that she would lose weight and tried to feed her in whatever way I could. To get things worse we were on .a vacation for 15 days on a sailyacht where she was all free without highchairs, she was standing on chairs in restaurants, sat on tables, cruised around, anything you can imagine, now back home after a week I am unable to give her that freedom and want to teach her the right thing before it is too late.
She sits to her chair without problem, starts to eat either herself or lets me feed her, we do it both, I let her use her fork and spoon and she enjoys it a lot, I give her finger foods and also soups and yoghurt which I feed. After she eases her hunger she wants to get off the chair, and if I wlk after her and try to feed her she eats, which makes me think she is not full yet and wants to eat, so I need to find a method to teach her to sit and finish her meal. Anyone who had the same problem and solved it, I will appreciate your help.
thanks a lot.