This isn't a problem as such just need some ideas! Sam is very very spirited, he's eleven months old, crawled at six and a half months and is now walking at eleven months. I have lots of push along toys for him plus other toys that are age appropriate. The problem is He loves to climb. I have baby proofed my house to the Max, stairgates etc, but He seems to just enjoy climbing onto the top of the couch, climbing onto the table, walking along the couch!!!!! I can't turn my back for even one second or He is scaling stuff and of course falling! Then He will get straight back up after crying and repeat the same thing again! I take him out to groups nearly every day where He can just run wild, but when there He tends to run up to other kids hug and kiss them and then sometimes bite them, whack them and chase them, He especially loves it when they scream lol! Just need some activity ideas for a spirited baby. How to handle the fact He hurts other kids, I know He is too young to realise this obviously that He is hurting them x just need some spirited mums been there done that kind of thing lol x XX