Hey how are things? I took B to the dr yesterday to get him checked out, because this sleep regression has me

? I thought you'd be interested?
Have u had her GP check her out? I went this morning and his Dr gave him a full check over and ok'd him. I totally trust his Dr he's very good and does specialist in children and has 3 of his own, any way B has been seeing him since he was 2 mos old.
What the dr said was due to B being so big and passing his developmental stages easily he's more like an 18mo toddler. He has loads of energy (like an 18mo). The dr said at around 16,17,18,19 mos they can have disrupted sleep due to there newly found skills, they are completely aware they are their own person and if they wake and want to stay awake they will by having their own party in their cot...And also to be realistic on how much sleep B needed so he said an 11 hour night and one 2 hour day nap or two 1 hour day naps is appropriate for this age. so maybe L is fine with a 10 hour night and one 1.5 hour nap? YK?
Also this makes sense because we are having loads of tantrums here too! B is into everything, wants everything and is indeed acting like a "normal" toddler. I pill post a pic on FB re the rice incident yesterday

sighhhhh lol
So the advice I was given was basically wiwo if his fussing turns into a real cry, if he does cry wiwo. No talking no picking up just saying eg 'sleep time' then PD (if need be) a kiss then leave and wait if it calms good if not wiwo again. Now Bs dr is aware that I don't believe in CC or CIO so he modified it to suit BW. Which is the same as Tracys method anyway.
So this is completely normal sweetie, we just need to ride it out with wiwo as best as we can...the dr also reminded me that even though he's still a baby he really is a toddler now, reality check for me!!! We have toddlers now! A whole new and diffrent ball game now...
So DD being spirited like B...Well they are wayyyy to switched on for their own good.
I think we need to ride this out.
We had a good one last night 7-5.55am YAYYYYY!!! and a decent close to 2 hour day nap yesterday. I think what makes it easier for me is the fact B doesn't stand when he wakes also he doesn't cry either he just whinges and chats and coughs etc so i'm comfortable with leaving him.