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Re: 13 month EW again, sigh
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2010, 06:47:56 am »
Thanks Brock's mum.

Yes, you're right. I didn;t actually do anything to be honest...she just settled herself into a routine herself, I was never able to get her into one before that, no matter how much I tried.
She started waking at 6.23 exactly and sleeping between 7.30 and at the very latest 6am, and sleeping through. Then illness came and she's back to EW.
Last night, I put her to bed at 7.20 (tried in ernest for 7pm bedtime) but no way - and we had two NW (first in a few days now) and she was properly up - not grogy, but playing! She woke between 12.30am and 1.45am - in the end had to give her a bottle as she would not settle, not even being rocked in my arms which usually works, not even me leaving the room, nothing!

Yes, her room is pitch black and she wakes before it gets light. This morning she woke at 6.13 full of beans, it's now 7.46 and she's still full of beans and happy.

Opps, better go, madam is throwing straberries off the high chair at the cat - LOL!

So today I shall try her normal naptime within half an hour depending on her cues within that time period. I will try for a 7pm bedtime again but used to get an earlier wake-up based on this - can try 7.15 and see what happens.

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Re: 13 month EW again, sigh
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2010, 10:25:09 am »
See how you go, that's all you can do! Try not to get back to obsessing around DDs routine, as you don’t want to put yourself under any unnecessary pressure  :-*
We rack our brains out to try and resolve things don't we? I stick to Bs routine as much as possible and yes I get the occasional NW and EW for no apparent reason? Beats me! It could be OT,OS or teething or a newly learnt skill, a knock on the head while flipping in his sleep...Who knows? But I get along and do the best I can, no ones perfect and remember Spirited LO's are hard work.
I’m consistent with his settling routine though (maybe that’s my saving grace?) Who really knows?
It always seems to even out in the end (for us anyway)
Nothing lasts forever! Good and bad. xxx

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Re: 13 month EW again, sigh
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2010, 17:57:03 pm »
Hello there,

Well am shattered but much happier today. She had a super long NW of one hour plus, so gave in with the patting and then rocking and gave her milk...she fell straight asleep. She's a big girl for 13 months, and wonder if she was just plain hungry? She then slept until 6.13, which is good for her. She's always been an early riser.
She has cut some new teeth, the cold is clearing too, but shes sooooo full of energy - I mean like no baby I've ever witnessed, so that she's zonked by bedtime reglardless of what I do with her. She took a decent 12 - 2.15pm nap today, DH is putting her to bed for 7.15pm (we were out and about) and we will see what tonight and the morning brings. Hope its something that starts with a six, and not a four or five.
Ok, back to my meal planning (this so isnt me, but I'm finding gaining control in one area, and chilling a bit about the areas I can't do too much about is helping)

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Re: 13 month EW again, sigh
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2010, 20:46:59 pm »
She then slept until 6.13, which is good for her.
Great she slept past the 6am mark!

but shes sooooo full of energy - I mean like no baby I've ever witnessed, so that she's zonked by bedtime reglardless of what I do with her
I get you on that one!

Ok, back to my meal planning (this so isnt me, but I'm finding gaining control in one area, and chilling a bit about the areas I can't do too much about is helping)
Great idea! I also put my mind and energy (well what's left of it) lol in to other "things" too.
Dinner is also one of them!  :P

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Re: 13 month EW again, sigh
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2010, 05:49:43 am »
LOL, we had a 5.30am wake-up but my fault...we have a small heater in there as her room is sometimes chilly and it was registering high. So oepned the door and little miss light sleeper sprung awake...sigh. Haha. Well we have another tired day on our hands (me not her!)
It's ok, will try again tomorrow. x

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Re: 13 month EW again, sigh
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2010, 11:06:19 am »
stuck to her normal routine despite the early wake-up. Do you think a 7.30 bedtime is too late - perhaps I should try for 7. Any earlier and we get severe EW that i never want to revisit. Anything with a four at the beggining is not for us.
Also, when she wakes early, what should I do. I can't really treat it as a NW as she never ever cries, just fidgets, shouts, plays and so on. But with NW, she more often than not cries or help or cries but very quickly puts herself back to sleep again.
It's a mystery isn't it.

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Re: 13 month EW again, sigh
« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2010, 12:18:47 pm »
Hey hubby - Again Im just suggesting what I would do...
I would def go with the 7pm BT as she woke quite early, also re EW... Well I leave B as long as possible! he has his lovey toys and a comfy cot and blankies so I leave him when he's chatting, playing or fussing. Usually he'll get bored and fall back to sleep. If he stays awake I leave him until he cries, once he cries then I go in, PD tuck him in and tell him it's time to sleep, shush pat and leave - basically WIWO. Again this is before 6am anything after that I consider just a wake up YK? This is usually quick to repair as long as I stick to it. This is why I'm a fan of dark rooms! Even if it is light outside to my DS dark=sleep. 
Is this what you mean?

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Re: 13 month EW again, sigh
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2010, 12:22:54 pm »
hi there, yes. I was just leaving her until six and she plays loudly and shouts for ages. She never goes back to sleep. Sigh. The room is very dark, but light comes in from the hallway as soon as I open her door - can't be helped
Ok, will carry on leaving her until 6am, and will put her to bed at 7pm and wait for the EW, suppose that's all i can do. Then we can hope the next day she's caught up and will do her usualy routine and try for later bedtime and wake-up. The very most she's ever slept in a night is 11hrs (until 6.30) so can't expect miracles.

Offline Brock~Tahlia~Mummy

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Re: 13 month EW again, sigh
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2010, 21:03:46 pm »
That's great she'll stay in her room until 6am though! I think you must be doing something right if she's happy to play on her own until you get her, also she's sleeping well during the day too! When teething strikes us Bs sleep def goes wonky even if he's not in that much pain at the time. I feel if you managed it last time then you'll get through this one too!
It's funny how this happened after illness YK? B is still waking up early from his last bout, he was waking around 6.45/50am and I used to get him up at 7am, since the molars and throat infection he's waking anywhere from 6.15-6.35 am.
His BT is pm give or take 10 mins but it's strange how there's been a shift YK?
I know it's nothing compared to your EW (hugs) but I think it's just strange is all? Maybe it's a waking habit from illness? Who knows! But it's not that much of a huge shift that I would try W2S.

What’s for dinner? lol

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Re: 13 month EW again, sigh
« Reply #24 on: October 04, 2010, 06:46:34 am »
Hi there

Yeah, I think so too, I really do. As she was waking 6.23 on the dot most mornings, even with a 8pm bedtime (because of a late nap) sometimes and was always fine with it, after teething and her cold, she's back to 5.40am now. Her 7pm bedtime, just resulted in the same wake-up time. I left her to play again until 6.10am - she shouted and played and danced until about then when she got grumpy and started to cry, so then got her. Very tired today - husband snored, cats fought, baby woke once as banged head on cot, haha.
Dinner ended up being home made chicken pie - never realised it was so easy to make!
How are you?

By the way, do you think i should stick to the same nap times still - 12pm until about 2pm is what she's doing right now.

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Re: 13 month EW again, sigh
« Reply #25 on: October 05, 2010, 03:04:58 am »
Re nap time, does she make it till 12 ok? Is she OT by 12?
So that would be almost 6 1/2 hours of A time... Typically that's a long A time, B does 5 1/2  A time then a 4 1/2 to 5 hour A time, I guess some would say the 4 1/2 is too little but B likes this routine. They are all so different though YK?
Is DD happy? If you're getting STTN and 1 good 2 hour nap and still EW the only thing I would assume it's habitual from the illness so that leaves W2S, ok I've never done it so I'm def not the one to offer advice about it. I have considered doing it with B but have never actually done it.
B is waking up at 6.15/6.25 and going to bed at 7pm give or take 10 mins, has a 2 1/4hr - 2 1/2 hr nap.
I'm thinking that he now wants more like 11 1/4 hour nights then his old 12 hour nights. Not sure why? Maybe his sleep needs have changed? I capped his naps a few times at 2 hours for a week but he was OT by 6pm. He started doing 12 hour nights again but was cranky during the day after his 2 hour nap even if I put him to bed earlier, so I'm letting him sleep the 2 1/2 hours now. I wonder when the next tweak is due? ::)

I'm ok thanks, just the usual tiredness...
Oh cats! Our cat meows right outside DS door anywhere from 3am to 6am! I think she knows I'll get up for her to either feed her or put her out so she doesn't wake DS.
Does DD eat your dinners? My DS eats what we eat now but will refuse it ever now and then :-\
 You might have to PM me the chicken pie recipe! Sounds good  ;)G

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Re: 13 month EW again, sigh
« Reply #26 on: October 05, 2010, 05:43:53 am »
Hey there Brock's mummy. Nice to hear from you. Its seems Brock is telling you he needs his 2.5 hrs if he's getting cranky.
Strange, I suppose they have a way of letting us know.
I'm baffled, but also, thinking with Lillia, she may just be a very low sleep needs baby. The reason being is that she was STTN with 11 hr nights (longest she's ever done) based on a day nap of 1.5 hrs.

Now she's sleeping longer during te day (yesterday was 2.5 hrs  and is happier when she wakes and full of beans until bedtime - she went to bed (we got caught in traffic) at 8pm!! last night and woke this morning at 6am. Later than her 5.40 and 5.30ams, but still early and on 10 hrs sleep.

She always wakes up chirping and happy. She seems to do 12.5 hrs in 24 hrs which seems very little to me.

As for the nap time, yes 12 is a long way away. She has lunch at 11am and it takes her about half an hr, I take her up for wind-down at quarter to and by then she's asleep by 12. She does seem tired before that but I struggle as a) she won't and hasn't taken two naps since 11 months and b) shes OT in mornings but then makes it find after her nap to bedtime.

i'm concerned about putting her to bed early now as she's wake at 5.30am all the time. Sigh.

W2S wouldn't work on her as she wakes naturally - i hear her tossing and turning around 4.20amish and then goes back to sleep....

I would LOVE for my little one to wake at 6.15 - anything with a six at the start is sooo welcome.

I'm not sure if I'm battling horrendous OT masked as second wind energy or she's just had enough sleep by the time its 5.40am.
She's always been an early riser and 6.30 is the very very latest she's ever slept so I can't ask for miricles, but a wee bit longer after almost 6 months of EW would be welcome.

But still don't wanna battle all this if it's just the way she is, otherwise I'm banging my head against a brick wall making her do something she's just not going to.

Of course, will PM you the recipe. Yes, she eats everything we eat which is great. Only thing she's not a fan of is mince - e.g.home made beef burgers because of the texture.

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Re: 13 month EW again, sigh
« Reply #27 on: October 14, 2010, 20:42:52 pm »
Hey how are things? I took B to the dr yesterday to get him checked out, because this sleep regression has me ???? I thought you'd be interested?
Have u had her GP check her out? I went this morning and his Dr gave him a full check over and ok'd him. I totally trust his Dr he's very good and does specialist in children and has 3 of his own, any way B has been seeing him since he was 2 mos old.
What the dr said was due to B being so big and passing his developmental stages easily he's more like an 18mo toddler. He has loads of energy (like an 18mo). The dr said at around 16,17,18,19 mos they can have disrupted sleep due to there newly found skills, they are completely aware they are their own person and if they wake and want to stay awake they will by having their own party in their cot...And also to be realistic on how much sleep B needed so he said an 11 hour night and one 2 hour day nap or two 1 hour day naps is appropriate for this age. so maybe L is fine with a 10 hour night and one 1.5 hour nap? YK?
Also this makes sense because we are having loads of tantrums here too! B is into everything, wants everything and is indeed acting like a "normal" toddler. I pill post a pic on FB re the rice incident yesterday  ::) sighhhhh lol

So the advice I was given was basically wiwo if his fussing turns into a real cry, if he does cry wiwo. No talking no picking up just saying eg 'sleep time' then PD (if need be) a kiss then leave and wait if it calms good if not wiwo again. Now Bs dr is aware that I don't believe in CC or CIO so he modified it to suit BW. Which is the same as Tracys method anyway.
So this is completely normal sweetie, we just need to ride it out with wiwo as best as we can...the dr also reminded me that even though he's still a baby he really is a toddler now, reality check for me!!! We have toddlers now! A whole new and diffrent ball game now...
So DD being spirited like B...Well they are wayyyy to switched on for their own good.
I think we need to ride this out.

We had a good one last night 7-5.55am YAYYYYY!!! and a decent close to 2 hour day nap yesterday. I think what makes it easier for me is the fact B doesn't stand when he wakes also he doesn't cry either he just whinges and chats and coughs etc so i'm comfortable with leaving him.


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Re: 13 month EW again, sigh
« Reply #28 on: October 16, 2010, 18:54:25 pm »
Hey there you. It's ironic you wrote that post as at the same time, my health visitor came around and did Lillia's one year checks and talked to me about her sleep.
She told me that 10.5 hrs a night is absolutely fine, and twoish hours of naps a day - but it varies a lot from child to child. She said Lillia was more like an 18 month toddler than 13 months, very alert - like Brock by the sounds of it, and just don't need as much sleep - or they wanna be up and at 'em, with a whole world of stuff to learn about.
I was told from day one she was alert and it's been a blessing, but also damn hard work - which i'm sure you are finding with brock too. It's chimes to true and your words are so close to the ones the HV said to me. I too have a large baby size wise (she's 98th percentile - HUGE) and more like a 18 mo - 2 year toddler anyway!

I do just leave her now and she doesn't cry either. She has a party - her and her in her cot, and plays and sometimes yells until I get her at 6.30. I'm also comfortable with leaving her. So let's soo, I think it's cool that are babies are so alike - I never seem to meet other mums with one quite like mine, but seems you also have a big, clever, alert, spirited one. Don't know about yours, but madam has started throwing slight temper tantrums when she can't figure stuff's quite amusing. Yesterday, she playing with her babycom, trying to make the melodies come on and off - it got stuck on one repeat setting so she chucked it across the room. Quite amusing to watch really, but I smeel trouble brewing. lol.


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Re: 13 month EW again, sigh
« Reply #29 on: October 16, 2010, 20:42:26 pm »
I do just leave her now and she doesn't cry either. She has a party - her and her in her cot, and plays and sometimes yells until I get her at 6.30. I'm also comfortable with leaving her. So let's soo, I think it's cool that are babies are so alike - I never seem to meet other mums with one quite like mine, but seems you also have a big, clever, alert, spirited one. Don't know about yours, but madam has started throwing slight temper tantrums when she can't figure stuff's quite amusing. Yesterday, she playing with her babycom, trying to make the melodies come on and off - it got stuck on one repeat setting so she chucked it across the room. Quite amusing to watch really, but I smeel trouble brewing. lol.


Couldn't agree more!  How funny that we were given the same info!!!!  :o
Yes B is def throwing tantrums ATM. It's kinda sad in a way as the baby to toddler transition almost happened overnight! It's like he said one morning 'HEY this is great lets have a party and play in my cot everyone' or 'no doesn't really mean no see i can touch it'. lol It's verrrry challenging and is new world to me. I'm going to buy a song and sign cd and really make an effort to teach him sign. He's just so aware it's scary! Maybe if he could communicate more with me we would have less meltdowns?

His latest is opening every door or switching on the light switch when i am holding him and opening the tv cabinet. 'No' used to work to the tv cabinet, not any more! i have to say no and pull him away and say you can touch this. And the light switch he will cry if i don't let him turn the lights on and off, cute but makes when you're runnning late even later!
He is also too little to reach the door handle and keeps saying 'open baby' and if i say wait and i will open it he drops to the ground and cries. lol OH dear toddlers hey? ::)

Great to hear you're in better spirits xxxx