Author Topic: What have you done with your LO's today?  (Read 1442 times)

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What have you done with your LO's today?
« on: September 30, 2010, 14:24:21 pm »

I just wanted to see what you have done with your babies today?  I'm not sure if I need a kick up the butt to do more with my children or whether I am having a confidence crisis and just doubting myself (which I do seem prone to doing!!) I have a 2 year old DS and a 10 month old DD both of which i cherish, love and adore...i just seem to be having a hard time summoning up the energy to come up with activites for them - let alone the mental capacity to think of anything new and exciting to do!!

DD has just started walking and all I seem to be doing now is referee'ing between them as she is now wanting - and taking - whatever he is playing with and whilst DS is very patient he does have his limits and has started started telling her off the last couple of days.  I am struggling to find any activites they can do together without coming to blows (well - pushing and shoving) DS seems to be jealous of the attention DD is getting for walking and is becoming more demanding of my attention.  DD is also being more demanding of my time and attention and I am spending rather a lot of time wishing there were two of me.  Alongside this I am concious that they are both developing very quickly at the ages they are and need a lot of stimulation, hence why I am concerned about actvities etc for them.

So far today our activites have been:-
DD - practising walking, learning some baby sign language via a DVD, playing with noisy toys (my girl LOVES to make noise...) playing row, row, row your boat and having some tickles inbetween her two naps.
DS - Making train track, baking fairy cakes, doing a puzzle and practicing counting with a book.

Is it enough to keep them on track developmentally do you think? DS's speech is good, he can say 5 word sentences, knows all his colours and can count to 15 and can put a complete train track together.  DD is walking 7/8 steps at a time now and babbling some, although I would like her to be talking more.

I just take being a mum really seriously (we do have a lot of fun with it though....well - normally that is!) and want to make sure neither of them are missing out and I start to think they are when I am having a complete mental blank about activites etc...I feel a bit stuck in a rut at the moment.

So, back to my original point (I do apologise for all the waffle in the middle) - what have you done today and do you have any ideas for me? Any suggestions gratefully received!

Thank you
