Author Topic: Processed/deli meats?  (Read 5029 times)

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Processed/deli meats?
« on: October 08, 2010, 12:43:45 pm »
Does anyone give their toddler these meats?  I have to say that I ate a lot of processed meats as a kid and would take for lunches in sandwiches.  Even as an adult until I got pregnant and went completely off them.

I am not too worried about the sodium - although I do wonder about how much sodium LO should have in a day?  Everything quick and easy has loads of sodium lol

I do worry about the listeria factor, since it seems it's much more common than one would normally think.

Just thinking out loud really.

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Re: Processed/deli meats?
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2010, 12:45:25 pm »
I remember having corned beef and ham as a kid - think it has to be safe for kids or we would be told to avoid it when pregnant, etc .... a little of anything (within reason, of course!!) wont do any harm ....
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Re: Processed/deli meats?
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2010, 13:06:26 pm »
I give T some ham sometimes.  I don't really worry much about it, I ate lots of that stuff as a kid as well.  Have you heard of more issues with listera?  I only remember that one outbreak from Maple Leaf two years ago (conveniently when we were pregnant, eh?), and since that's the only time I've ever heard of it it's never occurred to me to worry that much about how common it is.
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Re: Processed/deli meats?
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2010, 13:07:36 pm »
Sodium guidelines are about 300 mg minimum needed (not hard to get!) and max for a toddler is about 800-1000 mg per day (again not hard to get!!!!!!!!!!!)

DS has always eaten good quality cold cuts - roast ham, turkey, chicken, beef, etc from the deli from about 1year old.  I have no issue with it and we always buy them plain roasted, low fat, good quality - he's not a meat fan so this is often the only way he will eat it, and he loves turkey this way.

BUT the past 6 months or so he's gotten into mortadella (which is more or less balogna/baloney) and it started because here everytime you are at the deli counter/butcher they ALWAYS offer a slice of meat to the kids.  I think the first few times in my uptightness I almost fainted with horror at what he was eating ( ::) ) now I time the stop at the meat counter to fit in with when he is getting fussy so that he can get his slice and stop whingeing  :P   Since then I have relaxed and he now eats it pretty much daily for or with his lunch  :-X

I have never worried about listeria though (PS to first time mummy, we are told to avoid them in pregnancy in the UK and Canada, due to the listeria factor and I'm sure other countries as well but I only know for certain the UK and Canada guidelines) my main concern with them is the fat, sodium, nitrates, lack of taste and general disgust of knowing how they are made and made of...that said I totally grew up on balogna and am still here!   At the same time I am learning to pick my battles and my DS generally eats well (I mean, come on, the kid loves veggies!!) so I am not too too bothered about it!!

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Re: Processed/deli meats?
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2010, 15:16:38 pm »
Thanks Mashi - I didn't know pregnant woman are meant to avoid them - I know pate is a no-no but that was it!  Not that I really eat much processed meat, but will be more careful now  :o
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Re: Processed/deli meats?
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2010, 15:26:19 pm »
Pate is avoided because of the high vitamin A content, deli meats/cold meats are avoided for the listeria possibility. 

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Re: Processed/deli meats?
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2010, 18:55:19 pm »
okay - thanks for that :)
L x Having a bw break from 1 Feb 2012 - if you want to get in touch please send me a pm.  I may not be here but you are all in my thoughts xxxx (probably be back some time)

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Re: Processed/deli meats?
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2010, 20:12:23 pm »
We get them/eat them, along with hot dogs but in moderation (1x a month).  Don't like the high sodium and especially the nitrates. It's tough since DH's family make their own cappocola and salami and prosciutto, very hard to resist.  Not sure but pretty sure they don't add nitrates.  We make our own sausages and are going to do them with turkey and/or chicken this year instead of pork.  We only add salt and pepper to them. I haven't tired, but they do sell nitrate free deli meats now at Superstore, Loblaws or Zerhs. Not sure if they have a lower sodium level and hopefully not food colourings or MSG. Ok, don't even get me started on bacon, DS and I could eat that 3 x a week, but for obvious reasons eat it 1 a month too.  Sigh......   Ignorance is bliss I tell you!

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Re: Processed/deli meats?
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2010, 23:09:43 pm »
Ok I'm apparently missing something, what are nitrates and why are they bad lol? 
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Re: Processed/deli meats?
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2010, 23:26:07 pm »
Sodium nitrate is a carcinogenic precursor that is used in most processed meats (you can buy organic, nitrate free turkey, chicken, sausages and hot dogs). And some studies show that consuming too much sodium nitrate and processed meats can lead to a large increase in pancreatic cancer. The USDA actually tried to ban sodium nitrite in the 1970's, but was preempted by the meat processing industry, which relies on the ingredient as a color fixer to make foods look more visually appealing (sigh).

And there have been links to nitrates and leukemia as well.

Needless to say, I only keep nitrate-free lunchmeats or hot dogs in the house. We do have the occasional "regular" hot dog when out or at at barbecue or something and DH still gets Subway turkey once in a while but we try to keep it few and far between.

All this talk of pate has me craving chopped liver though... Can't help it - it's the Jew in me, LOVE the stuff!
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Re: Processed/deli meats?
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2010, 23:29:43 pm »
Hi Wendy,
Nitrates Many foods, especially cured meats such as bacon and hot dogs, use nitrates to preserve color and maintain microbial safety. Nitrate is harmless, but it can convert to nitrite, which can form nitrosamines, a powerful cancer-causing chemical, in your body. Whenever possible, look for nitrate-free preserved meats. When you do eat foods containing nitrates, have a glass of orange juice at the same time (for instance, orange juice with your morning bacon). Vitamin C is known to inhibit the conversion to nitrosamines in your stomach.

I was going to give you the brand of delimeat we use but we seem to be all out so I can't give you the name.  Sorry.  I'mgoing shopping tomorrow and I'll post the brand name for you.

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Re: Processed/deli meats?
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2010, 23:40:38 pm »
Ok so nitrates = bad lol  I get it.  Goodness me ladies, gross!

I pretty much stopped eating hot dogs a long time ago...can't resist the occasional street vendor or at a BBQ but frankly I never feel good after eating them so I kind of stopped bothering - my body's way of telling me about the nitrates perhaps??  Finn has had cut up hot dog occasionally at a party but we never serve it at home, I don't buy them.  I stopped eating the lunch meats while pregnant and really only buy when the parents come from UK.  They like sarnies or to throw meat into their omelettes.  I stopped eating those kind of subs ages ago too.  Just something about the meat, the whole listeria thing and looking at it in the packets turned me off.

But that said, I do like to have the flexibility to make a sandwich once in a while, for dinner, quick and easy.

If you can shoot me the name of that meat you can get in the GTA I'd be grateful, oh and what shop you get it from.  I'm hoping it's from Superstore, Metro or Fresh Co. because that's all we really go to lol
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Re: Processed/deli meats?
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2010, 00:33:29 am »
It's definiitely at the Superstore as that is where I shop.  I am pretty sure that it's the PC Blue menu turkey/chicken slices.

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Re: Processed/deli meats?
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2010, 00:39:31 am »
There is Wellshire Farms or at Superstore.

All this talk of pate has me craving chopped liver though... Can't help it - it's the Jew in me, LOVE the stuff!


Always think of you Karen when Nello eats pate, pickled beet, pickles, bagel and cream cheese, still one of his fave lunches or after school snack! Back in the day when they were toddlers and we used to swap recipes and I said nello is like an old Jewish man with that lunch!  ;D 8)

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Re: Processed/deli meats?
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2010, 01:27:12 am »
Ah I had forgotten!!! Yet one of many reasons I love your boy...
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01