Author Topic: please help me figure what is going on  (Read 1981 times)

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Offline ole

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please help me figure what is going on
« on: October 10, 2010, 14:34:58 pm »
DS is 7 months old and we started food at 6 months. He is formula fed (that is another allergy/intolerance question) He eats avocado, rice, oat,banana, green beans, apple.  Once I questioned bananas because he threw up more than a usual spit up but he had had it before so i thought it was a fluke. Fast forward to yesterday. Gave him peas for the first time (with avocado and just a bit rice cereal) Half hr later he threw up 4 times, huge volume of food. Acted fine. Cleaned everything up. Took his bottle a couple hrs later fine, napped. Woke and I fed him bananas and rice cereal. Half hr later. Same thing. Everywhere vomit. Then an hour later he vomited again.
What am I dealing with? I dont think its a virus because he took his formula fine both in the afternoon and before bed and overnight.
Clearly I dont give him peas? Or do I try again? And the banana? Could he be allergic? I havent given solids yet today. I am thinking of trying apple or sweet pots which he hasnt had a problem with. That way I will know he can tolerate some food.
HELP. If he cant tolerate these least allergenic foods, what will he be able to tolerate?
Do I see an allergist? Are tests reliable at this age? I am having issues with formula also (he didnt throw it up, he had mucousy stools) Trying Nutramagin now but he refluxes way more. That is just FYI.

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: please help me figure what is going on
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2010, 17:12:58 pm »
Well, personally I would skip the peas and bananas for now, and only introduce a one new food every few days so you will know for sure if there is a reaction, what food is the culprit.  Is he on regular milk based formula?  How long has he been on it and have his stools always been mucousy?  If he hasn't had a problem with sweet potato or apple, for sure go for those. Pears was also a popular one for my kids.

Offline ole

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Re: please help me figure what is going on
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2010, 17:49:51 pm »
DS has been on soy and did fine on that but I wasnt crazy about soy in general so I tried  milk-based- mucousy poops but no other reaction. Then switched to lactose free-no change, still mucousy, so I started Nutramagin about 3 wks and his poop looks and smells better but he refluxes way more.
I do wait 4 days between each food. Banana was the first food he had so I am thrown by the throwing it up.

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: please help me figure what is going on
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2010, 19:58:12 pm »
Maybe it wasn't the bananas, but still a problem from the peas earlier?  Did he have any other symptoms like hives or just vomiting.   Have you seen a Dr. about the formula?  Perhaps he is MPI, but I don't really know anything about Nutramigen...we used soy.  We had allergy tests done at just around 18 months, I have heard of kids in the area having it done as early as 10 months, but I suppose it depends on the Dr. 

Offline ole

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Re: please help me figure what is going on
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2010, 23:51:53 pm »
Ped wasnt very helpful with the formula. She said if it was just mucousy poop it was probably not an allergy. I totally disagreed and when I happen to take DS in for another reason, that ped said mucous sometimes is okay but not in every diaper. I switched right to Nutramagin. That was what I was sort of wondering, was the banana throw up because of the peas earlier. BUT he didnt throw up his bottles. Its a mystery. Tried pears today and that went fine so far. I think I will skip the peas and bananas for now, add other foods and then...well my older son has to have allergy testing in Dec/Jan maybe I will run this by him.

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: please help me figure what is going on
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2010, 00:24:07 am »
I think I will skip the peas and bananas for now, add other foods and then...well my older son has to have allergy testing in Dec/Jan maybe I will run this by him.

Sounds like a good plan...too bad the ped wasn't more helpful!  It's never easy to figure out, Spencer is 2 and we still get mystery reactions, the latest culprit is pineapple. If only they came with instructions!