DS is 7 months old and we started food at 6 months. He is formula fed (that is another allergy/intolerance question) He eats avocado, rice, oat,banana, green beans, apple. Once I questioned bananas because he threw up more than a usual spit up but he had had it before so i thought it was a fluke. Fast forward to yesterday. Gave him peas for the first time (with avocado and just a bit rice cereal) Half hr later he threw up 4 times, huge volume of food. Acted fine. Cleaned everything up. Took his bottle a couple hrs later fine, napped. Woke and I fed him bananas and rice cereal. Half hr later. Same thing. Everywhere vomit. Then an hour later he vomited again.
What am I dealing with? I dont think its a virus because he took his formula fine both in the afternoon and before bed and overnight.
Clearly I dont give him peas? Or do I try again? And the banana? Could he be allergic? I havent given solids yet today. I am thinking of trying apple or sweet pots which he hasnt had a problem with. That way I will know he can tolerate some food.
HELP. If he cant tolerate these least allergenic foods, what will he be able to tolerate?
Do I see an allergist? Are tests reliable at this age? I am having issues with formula also (he didnt throw it up, he had mucousy stools) Trying Nutramagin now but he refluxes way more. That is just FYI.