Author Topic: 2 yr. old sleep needs dropped or just a phase?  (Read 2158 times)

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2 yr. old sleep needs dropped or just a phase?
« on: October 10, 2010, 23:17:41 pm »
Just sort of "checking" what is going on with other LOs this age. DD is 25 months old and for the past few weeks has not been settling to sleep at night until about 9pm despite the time being put into bed (I've tried from 7 to 8:30). At first it was stalling and all sorts of delay tactics. Lots of mom coming back in and carrying on and on and on. I tried earlier, thinking OT. I tried later, thinking, sheesh MAYBE UT. But she seemed to be stuck at settling near 9pm. The only nights in the past few weeks that she has gone to bed any earlier than 8:30 have been the two days she missed her nap. One day I did it intentionally to try to reset her body clock to an earlier bedtime. The other was yesterday when we had a town-wide festival and I let her skip and put her to bed a little before 8 and she was OUT in five mins. due to being exhausted, obviously.

To combat the stalling, I've devised a sticker incentive plan. She gets one sticker to hold and play with when she lays down nicely in her crib. She's not allowed to stall, fuss, whine, argue, etc. or she won't get the sticker. She has been laying so nicely and been back to her usual self babbling away until she falls asleep. But even's taking her til about 9pm to fall asleep. Once I had her in bed at 7:30 and she was asleep around 8:30 but that is still an hour to settle!

She takes a nap everyday. Somewhere between 1.5 to 2 hours. Without a nap she is a disaster. I've also tried different nap lengths to see if it changes anything....but an hour, hour an a half and two hour nap all yield a similar 9pm falling asleep time.

Then the poor girl is up at 6:30! or 7 the latest! Seems as though the short night leads to her needing a longer nap and the nap is leading to a shorter night and I feel like I'm back at the stupid 2:1 again except at the 1:none!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW she is not ready to drop her nap but will this change?

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Re: 2 yr. old sleep needs dropped or just a phase?
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2010, 01:12:36 am »
With DS he went through a phase where he would either not go to sleep till late or would not sleep during nap!  I believe that it is just a phase because now DS is 3 and a half (and he probably outgrew it around 2 and a half or so) and he naps for about 2 hours and sleeps from 8-6:30 at night. 

As he did get closer to 2 and a half and 3, he was able to handle not having a nap on some days.  Now, if I think he is stocking up his sleep and won't go to bed on time, we limit nap to 1 hour or no nap.

I really think it is a phase though!

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Re: 2 yr. old sleep needs dropped or just a phase?
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2010, 03:57:57 am »
We are getting no napping here, but I think it is more that for her whole life we thought she was high sleep needs, but now that she has her tonsils out we see how her breathing (or lack of!) was leading to poor quality sleep. 

Today was the first day since she recovered from surgery that she had a nap, and it was only because we were out to my parents and didn't get them home to bed until 10:00 and she was up shortly after 7:00 (which is an EW for her)

I'm hoping we can get into a routine of a 45-1h nap and 11h nights and see how it works for her.  I really have no idea how much sleep she really needs now!

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Re: 2 yr. old sleep needs dropped or just a phase?
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2010, 11:31:41 am »
So last night she was actually asleep nearer to 8 on a 1.5 hour nap (1 to 2:30).I guess she read my post! BUT she was wide awake at 6:30.

I'll try to ride it out I guess and hope she settles back into getting a good amount of sleep as she nears that 2.5 mark.

Offline Roseii

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Re: 2 yr. old sleep needs dropped or just a phase?
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2010, 21:42:48 pm »
Hey Nicole how are you getting on? Things are CRAZY here and not in such a bad way!! I am waiting with baited breath for it to all fall apart...DD1 (nearly 25m) seems to be sleeping 8.30-8.30 with no nap! It's totally out of character for my EW'er but I am just trying to lap up the LWs (late-wakings, ever been uttered on here before?!) So for some reason she seems to be nap-dropping at the mo and it's positively affecting her night sleep...V strange huh?
Anyway hope your nights are getting better xxx
Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

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Nights are still hit or miss....lots of short ones. Last night due to carrying on before bed she was up til about 9 again, not sure what was up though. I laid with her in my bed at her request but told her she had to go back to her own after a bit and she decided on her own to go back after she was calm. Weird.

Wed. she climbed out of her pack n' play 2x and didn't nap. Today she climbed out of her crib 2x and didn't nap--until I asked my mom to drive her somewhere to get her a catnap. She was out within a few blocks! Napped almost 30 minutes according to mom.

Problem is, she is a disaster with no nap. I know she needs it. BUT I can't force her to stay in bed and I can't do much sleep training as I am babysitting another little girl who doesn't nap and needs interaction/supervision during this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not sure what tonight will bring now that she's mastered the climbing out of the crib thing. UGHHHHHH

What do you ladies think I should do if she continues to climb out. I'm reluctant to buy a crib tent as I feel it will turn into a power struggle and she'll just get hysterical and feel trapped. I'd rather move her to her BGB but I can't work on getting her to stay in it while I am babysitting! I can do a variety of sleep training type things at bedtime (lay with her; WI/WO once she's used to sleeping in there, etc. etc.) But I can't do those while babysitting during the daytime!

This is frustrating!

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Re: 2 yr. old sleep needs dropped or just a phase?
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2010, 20:06:02 pm »
Could you try a BGB and gate on the door so she has to stay in her room? xx
Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

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Re: 2 yr. old sleep needs dropped or just a phase?
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2010, 20:08:34 pm »
I've done so but she just stands at it and carries on.

Offline Roseii

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Re: 2 yr. old sleep needs dropped or just a phase?
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2010, 20:13:24 pm » is SO tricky trying to settle one kid when you've got another to mind too!! Will she sleep in a pushchair at all? Or could you do a drive every day to at least get a little sleep in to stop her getting so OT? I know not ideal...xx
Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

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Re: 2 yr. old sleep needs dropped or just a phase?
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2010, 20:18:20 pm »
I COULD drive every day LOL. But it'll be hard to plan drives that are long enough as she wakes upon the car stopping usually. Grrrr. She's not likely to sleep in the stroller unless SUPER SUPER past her naptime and exhausted. Plus it's getting cold here and taking both girls out in the cold sounds miserable.

Well I suppose I should see how tonight goes before I get ahead of myself with worry!

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Re: 2 yr. old sleep needs dropped or just a phase?
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2010, 20:20:17 pm »
Good luck tonight :)

Tbh I have taken to quite stern WIWO with DD1 now (although she is still in a cot) It's the only option with a baby too, I can't do GW or lie with her etc...

Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

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Re: 2 yr. old sleep needs dropped or just a phase?
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2010, 12:36:02 pm »
First night was in the toddler bed. I had to stay in the room and it took 1.5 hours for her to fall asleep. She was hysterical and def. scared/nervous. In the middle of the night sometime she also fell out and slept on the floor. Woke near 3am and I had to go back in. But all in all not horrible.

Second night I set her up in the twin mattress with a rail I bought and bright hot pink sheets. She was still nervous but much calmer. I stayed again and it only took her 40 minutes or so to fall asleep (albeit it was VERY late as she had a super late nap in the car after a long day at the zoo so it was a weird routine day in addition to the bed change)

We're going to try a nap in there today. Not sure if I should try to stay or leave??????

Any thoughts?

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Re: 2 yr. old sleep needs dropped or just a phase?
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2010, 13:06:58 pm »
hmmm, it is difficult Nicole as they get used to things so quickly at this age don't they. H would not sleep with me in the room so however hard it would be to settle him I would leave and I guess do a wiwo approach but if Ava will settle quicker with you then maybe that is best for now.
What do you think has caused her to be scared? Being in the BBB or you not being there?

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Re: 2 yr. old sleep needs dropped or just a phase?
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2010, 15:26:53 pm »
The BGB is in a different room. I think it's the combination of new bed and new room. She's never needed me to be in the room before this. I just can't leave her in the crib to climb out and possibly hurt herself whenever. I'll be a wreck worried about it all the time. I can't fit her BGB in the nursery as the nursery is just too small of a room. So she had to move down the hall. She's not used to the sights and sounds of that room yet.

I had to stay with her the last two nights until she was asleep and then once each night she woke in the middle and I had to go back in and lay until she fell back to sleep. She was less scared last night but definitely still timid and unsure about the whole thing.

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Re: 2 yr. old sleep needs dropped or just a phase?
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2010, 16:46:35 pm »
.....and's not going well.

I will start a BGB transition thread to get more eyes!