Author Topic: Best toys for a busy, spirited 3 year old BOY? Trying to think of something to  (Read 4890 times)

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Offline JulieNG

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keep my son busy for the winter months. Right now all he likes is to run around outside and jump on my couch. He does love trucks, cars and trains and will occasionally play quietly with them. Is there anything I can buy this child to keep him busy when we are stuck indoors?? Thanks for the help!

Offline anna*

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My little guy isn't quite 3 yet but he is fully of that boy energy too. The best thing we do on rainy days is pull all the cushions off the couch and do an 'assault course' - he has to crawl under a blanket on the floor, balance walk on a narrow cushion, climb up on a stool, jump down, climb over the back of an armchair etc. He will spend a while doing it, and then we can build a fort or he can drive his cars etc around it. Also we play balloon tennis which is a great one for cold/rainy days.

At the moment he is mastering cutting with scissors, and will spend a LONG time cutting pictures out of a catalogue, especially pictures of Toy Story merchandise  ::)  or vacuum cleaners.

Offline louis-mummy

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I'm going to follow this with interest...........

my 3yr old is really not that bothered with his own toys (usually enjoys anyone else's!) although i have noticed that he has more patience with some of them recently so there is hope  :)

liking Anna's ideas.........

hard to think of many other energetic indoor things........Louis prefers non-toy toys so i've acquired various things such as a windup torch, binoculars and role play toys - he likes cleaning with his dustpan and brush  :D standing on a step stool to 'wash up' at the sink.  play doh, painting, chalking, magic maize. scissors are a big hit here too!

in desperation times i have given him a bath - even in the middle of the day! - and let him take his water shooter in there.  we also blow/catch bubbles in the bath
have you considered a little trampoline for indoors?

Offline Deb_in_oz

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if you need something indoors for winter how about a mini trampoline - either the kid kind with a handle bar or the ones for exercise made by reebok et al.
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

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Offline malibu_nikkus

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 - Finger painting in the shower - just wash off when finished
 - Pretending to drive your car
 - Vaccuming
 - cooking
 - dancing to music
 - playing music with saucepans
 - pretend play with kitchen utensils
 - playdough
 - extended bath time with loads of bubbles and different things than the usual bath toys (kitchen strainers etc)
 - construction with boxes and glue
 - use a poster container (postage cylinder) - attached to table and put cars and balls down in it.
 - make a basketball hoops out of a bent coat hanger, hang from a door handle and play basketball
 - we love balloon tennis too
 - my guy has room play for about 1/2hr in his room (we put a kids gate across) with some of his's quiet time.
 - rice play - I fill a large bowl or tub and give him some containers and spoons and he spend quite a while tipping and pouring rice.  It does make a mess though.  Either do on tiles or a tarp or something.  He tends to calm right down doing this activity.
 - our inside trampoline is my bed.  He loves it and I don't mind because he jumps off his energy.

 - cubby house.  Play with a torch in the cubby house.  Take teddies etc.  Lots of great role play opportunity.
Have fun!

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Offline JulieNG

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Thank you all for the ideas!!