Author Topic: : Vegan allergy recipes  (Read 1081 times)

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: Vegan allergy recipes
« on: October 11, 2010, 22:43:02 pm »
Hi All,

Thanks for reading  ;D

So my little one is allergic to Dairy / Soy / Strawberries / Tomatoes / Potatoes / Nuts / Wheat / Gluten / Corn / eggs / paprika / Courgette / yeast. He had a reaction today and I still don't know what it was. He only ate rice / beans / cauliflower and lentils  ???

So theres alot! ;-)

Just wandering if anyone knows where I can get any recipes?? Or good books? I am pretty stuck right now, been cooking for 3 hours today and none of it was edible. Its really hard to make a meal with what he can eat! I seem to have the same alergies as him as I am also following his diet and I am feeling better then ever!!!  ;D We are also vegan, But until his diet is stable I am giving him a little meat.


Charlotte  ;D
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Re: : Vegan allergy recipes
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2010, 00:21:37 am »
I've often found good recipes just by googling what I'm looking for.  I think this book is pretty popular, was hoping to pick it up at some point.   She also has a vegan cupcake and a cookie book that I'm interested in as well but more for my own sweet tooth.  ;)  Amazon is a good website for finding cookbooks because you can get just about anything there, and there's always really helpful reviews.  HTH  :)
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Re: : Vegan allergy recipes
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2010, 14:58:09 pm »
Hi there.  ((((hugs))))). That's a lot of allergies to deal with!  I know how you feel, my daughter was intolerant to pretty much everything but a couple of foods for a long time!

Aside from just making batches and batches of her few safe foods, I did use the recipe database on occasion at  A great site, used to have to pay $25 a year to access everything, including the recipes, but I think they are no longer charging a fee (haven't visited in a long time).  May want to check it out.

Good luck!  How is your LO doing now?  Did you figure out what caused the last reaction?