Author Topic: Taking a 2 year old on an eight hour flight....  (Read 2564 times)

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Offline *Liz*

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Taking a 2 year old on an eight hour flight....
« on: October 12, 2010, 19:44:05 pm »
I intend to pack a bag full of goodies in a vague attempt to make things go smoothly. It is a day flight and he intermittently nap refuses so I am guessing he will be awake for the WHOLE time  :o.

So I need ideas on what to pack please? I have read the FAQ but after some fresh ideas. Jacob will be 2 years 3 mths when we travel.

Dreading it is an understatement. But at least the 6 mth old will be OK - she just likes to sit and watch things going on  :D.

Thanks in advance  :-* :-*

Offline Mama2boys

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Re: Taking a 2 year old on an eight hour flight....
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2010, 19:50:08 pm »
Hey Liz, try and take toys that have a longish life so one of those sketch board toys the magnetic ones you can write and erase as you can draw stuff and entertain DS when he does not want to draw any longer.

If you are upto it a DVD player? I would say Play doh but guessing security might have an issue

Snacks for sure and a few treats as well ok more than a few!

i would not take more than 1 favourite car or train toy as its hard to play with them on a seat.

books? for reading DS is a book crazy so books work well for us

loads of wipes etc.
9 and 6, oh boy!

Offline *Liz*

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Re: Taking a 2 year old on an eight hour flight....
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2010, 19:53:02 pm »
If you are upto it a DVD player? I would say Play doh but guessing security might have an issue

Hadn't thought of that with playdoh - thanks!!

Totally up for a DVD player! Anything to survive without a screaming toddler!!

Offline koe2moe

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Re: Taking a 2 year old on an eight hour flight....
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2010, 19:56:22 pm »
reading along.  coz my mom would like me to bring DS to her but not too keen on 11hr flight!!  

i would bring some new toys that J would definitely like, eg, if he likes cars, then new cars, if he likes books, bring new books.. plus some old time favourites.  DVD player would work here, too.  DS can sit still and watch!  

Offline Mama2boys

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Re: Taking a 2 year old on an eight hour flight....
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2010, 20:12:00 pm »
i would also not  take anything fiddly like Lego etc last thing you want is one wretched piece rolling under someone else's chair.

got to think of more as we are taking an 20 hr flight with 2 hr stopover in less than 6 weeks...I beat you ladies hollow when it comes to painful flights...last year we did a 18hr direct and Ds was a charm!

a cribble book/drawing book with pens/crayons etc.

Can you buy a small roll on kiddie bag, Ds has his and he take sit for every trip and helps pack it. Packs his lovey in it himself and a snack or 2....

had to add this...when DS was about 2 we had done a flight and there was a lady sitting at the airport with her fur coat rolled under her arm, DS1 kept walking to her and woofing as he thought it was a dog!
9 and 6, oh boy!

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Re: Taking a 2 year old on an eight hour flight....
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2010, 20:14:35 pm »
Hiya Liz
where are you off to? How exciting!

We took Sophie on a 4hr flight just before her 2nd birthday. I bought a load of (smallish) new things and packed them in a little rucksack for her. It included things like mini- aquadraws, a few new books, colouring book & small pack crayons, some new toys etc.

Our saving grace was that we had paid extra for her to have her own seat. We put her in the middle of us and she spent the first hour jumping on the seat looking back down the plane (we were at the front) waving and shouting "hello eddybody". Then it was time for food- she had her own meal and ate the whole thing brilliantly. I had packed some small- person cutlery and a disposable bib in her rucksack. That killed almost another hour. Then we started with the toys & things- I managed to make each one last 20- 30 minutes before she got antsy and then brought out another. I had packed enough so that strategy lasted us the rest of the flight. Of course 4hrs is nowhere near 8 hours though  :(
Be warned- although we flew at nap time both ways, she would not sleep at all, it was too exciting. And she was/ is an angel sleeper  ::)

We didn't have a portable dvd player then but we did this year when we went on the sick-cat across to France, and it was completely genius. One hour of Peppa Pig, and another hour of Night Garden and Alex actually sat still for most of the journey- phew! We didn't think of using it on the way there and the 2.5hr journey was challenging to say the least  ;) I would definitely get one if you don't already. I got ours from Tesco, it was dead cheap, is not at all flashy but does what it says on the tin  ;D

have a fab time xx

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Re: Taking a 2 year old on an eight hour flight....
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2010, 20:16:12 pm »
The DVD was a lifesaver for us, but if it's a mini laptop you have to make sure it's in aeroplane safe mode before take-off.

A new sticker book and truck/car book were good for take off and landing which can drag on with all the rest of the toys stowed away.

Pens were a good distraction for a bit. Agree that a couple of new cars or whatever he's into at the moment we got a couple of really cheap cars that he still plays with!!

We also took a couple of smallish puzzles that were small enough to fit on the seat back tray. 
They were tied up in nappybags so as not to lose the bits!

Favourite and not often given snacks were a must and were rationed!

He was totally uninterested in themeal they provided so it was a good job we took lots of snacks!