Hi there,
My 11 month old LO is a happy little girl. Sleeps great (day and night) and everything is going well, except bathtime... She get herself in a right state everytime we take her upstairs at the end of the day for her to get ready for bed (bath, change, BF). She literally fusses/cried from the moment we start to undress her until she is BF before bed. It is getting so bad that now when i take her upstairs during the day and into our room (where we unchange her for her bath) she starts to make unhappy noises! It seems to have gotten worse when we moved her from the newborn/toddler tub to the big tub, but she is way too big now to fit.
We have tried bathing her in the AM, but it doesn't work with our schedule at all. It has been part of her bedtime routine since she was 2 months old.
I don't think it is an issue with our schedule, as she would be happy as a clam for a while longer if we just continued reading or playing. The bathing seems to be the trigger.
Any suggestions how to make this time fuss-free, so she can relax and enjoy it?