Liz, my dietician was very very keen to get K onto chicken quickly to help keep hunger at bay and help him sleep better at night and esp since we wouldn't be eating dairy anytime soon. By 6.5 months she wanted him on meat twice a day, we moved to lamb fairly quickly and now about to start beef mince.
Sosorry she has had such a tough time with the cereal!! I hope this doesn't means that she's not ready for solids yet. Surely, a second and third intro of foods will tell. We started with white peeled potato ( he handled the starch well) because its low salicylate. Then Swede, choko, chicken, pears ( only ripe, thickly peeled). Then green beans (he wasn't windy) then lamb. The quinoa and amaranth, dairy free butter, rice bran oil a little with cooking). At 7 months I have included dairy free gluten free toast with dairy free marg. He loves it! All these foods are defined are "low risk" for Kai - gluten free, slow salicylate, low amine, dairy soy free, nut free etc.
We are going to trial a little gluten directly in the form of oats (in his 7th month) if he tolerates it after 3 days in my diet. I'm not sure what we will do after oats though. Oh yes that's right, I will be doing the wheat challenge through my milk and see how he goes.
It is also absolutely fine to try the legumes and kidney beans although some bubs have problems with the fibre content. She said to try those at the rate of 1-2 beans or a few lentils per day for 3 days and see what happens.