Author Topic: 8.5 mo- no to solids...when to try them?  (Read 978 times)

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Offline NewMom1981

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8.5 mo- no to solids...when to try them?
« on: October 18, 2010, 16:27:23 pm »
Hi everyone!

My 8.5 mo isn't interested in solids at all. In fact, I think she does not like the pureed texture. (Lets her mouth hang open until all the cereal/puree drips out...quite comical). Therefore, we have started BLW. She might take a bite or two...maybe swallow some, but that's it! She did STTN from about 6 months, but from 7 months has woken up for a DF AND a 3-4am feed and drains both breasts. My dr says that's why she's hungry at night, because she isn't eating solids during the day. questions are:

1. If she doesn't like solids (apparently), do I BF first, or offer solids first? (She is on 4 hr EASY, feeds at 6:30, 10:30/11, 2:30/3 and before bed at 6:30/6:45)

2. Should I wean her from feeding in the night? Or indulge her because she is sufficiently hungry?

Thanks in advance!  ;D

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Re: 8.5 mo- no to solids...when to try them?
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2010, 16:17:38 pm »
Hello :)  I think you are on the right track with BLW, so keep up with that.  She will ultimately be the one who chooses what goes in her mouth.  Personally I would continue to do milk before solids because up until a year her milk feeds are still the most important source of nutrition, so you don't want her milk intake to dwindle in favour of more solids.  Offer new flavours and textures in a relaxed atmosphere and let her know solids are fun.  As for the NF, I think that since she was sleeping through before without a feed you could safely drop it and encourage her to take more solids.  If she is filling up at night it will just mean she is less hungry through the day. 

Here are some links that may help:

HTH :)
Mama to
Mr. Personality 2008
Mr. Mischievious 2010
Little Miss Blue Eyes 2012

Offline NewMom1981

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Re: 8.5 mo- no to solids...when to try them?
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2010, 20:56:02 pm »
Ahh! Thanks so much...I had thought exactly what you had replyed...I just need confirmation from an expert !!

Thanks...we are in the middle of weaning her from her paci, so maybe I will tackle the NFing next week. Do you think this is a good idea?

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Re: 8.5 mo- no to solids...when to try them?
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2010, 21:13:08 pm »
lol, Nope, no expert just trying to help out.  ;)

Well, paci weaning and then weaning the NF is a lot of changes.  What temprament is your LO?  If it were me with my DS1 I would say go for it - he was textbook and my mentality was if I was going to go through hell making one big change might as well do it all at once and get it over with!  But if your LO is a touchy or grumpy type, she might not take too well to losing her paci and then losing the comfort of a NF.  It can be risky business.  I guess it depends too on if the NF is also a comfort to her as well as hunger.  Sorry to be vague, that is a tough call!  Well, like I said if it were me I would still go ahead and try to wean the NF.  BUT, if you feel it's too much then don't feel bad keeping it a bit longer.  You could try cutting down time spend BFding at night gradually to make it a smoother transition.
Mama to
Mr. Personality 2008
Mr. Mischievious 2010
Little Miss Blue Eyes 2012