So you do all the same, but after the clocks have changed? The only things I would change are bedtime and nap as nothing else at all is really pinpointed tie-wise.
No, I change everything - as our life changes as a result iyswim. I know you say nothing else is pinpointed but surely you have certain times of the day when you do certain things, no? Our playgroup that meets at 930am will still meet at 930, not a"new" time of 830am. Lunch that we have sometime around noon is still at sometime around noon, not a new earlier time of close to 11am. Our lives adjust to the new times on the clock, we don't suddenly change our daily routines to one hour earlier, iyswim?
You mentioned trying to change prior the even fails, not sure why and how this would be different to pushing everything forward 15 mins every three days after. Confused.
Why I find it does not work is because doing it before the time change means that the
only thing changing in my LO's day is his sleep. His daddy still leaves for work at the same time as usual, we eat our meals at the same time (I don't mean at an exact time, but within reason), and so on. So the only thing changing is his sleep - this will take a lot longer to get accustomed to as there is nothing telling his body clock and sleep hormones what time it is. Sure, I can try for a few days before hand, but it's a total pain to attempt to adjust everything in a day -- you don't try to re-set yourself for these very reasons; you wait until after the clock has changed to slowly et yourself to adjust. And probably for a good week or so you will find that you wake up an hour earlier than normal, as well, and are tired for bed an hour earlier, too. It takes a good week (or more for many people) for all of the things in your day that tell your body what time it is to readjust themselves. Does that make sense?