Argh, that even rhymes, lol!

So my son who is almost 14months, is teething badly! :-/
He has 8 teeth coming out at the same time, yet only one has broken through just the other day. This has result in lots of issues and one of them is eating. He just refuses to eat... and in a day he ll eat a yogurth and some fruit.. maybe a slice of bred in daycare and a bite or two for dinner. He does not want his bottle in the evening and falls asleep with what i would call an empty stomach.
Of course somwhere between midnight and 5am he ll wake up hungry... and of course, I have been giving him the bottle which he finishes within 2 min. and goes back to sleep most of the time...
At what point do i start to worry and what can i do differently?
Thanks for any feed back!