Author Topic: 2.5 yo gone fussy!  (Read 1005 times)

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Offline sianie

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2.5 yo gone fussy!
« on: October 22, 2010, 09:47:01 am »

DD is nearly 2.5yrs old & has always been a pretty good eater (bar illness, teething etc). The last week or so she's started refusing to eat her breakfast & is generally fussy at lunch & dinner too.

Her speech is pretty good & I always offer her a choice, so cereal or toast etc for breakfast, but she just says 'Don't like it Mummy!' & pushes it away ::) She has been eating quite a wide range of foods and feeds herself really well. Her last set of molars are coming through (but have been for months) & she has been eating well up until now.

So any suggestions of foods I can try or anyone else had this with their toddler?

TIA!  :)


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Re: 2.5 yo gone fussy!
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2010, 10:46:57 am »
To be honest I wouldn't change her foods too much - yes, add some more variety in terms of other healthy foods in case she is bored - but I think if you start giving her too much 'fussy toddler' foods you might never get back your not-fussy-toddler iyswim  :)??!  I would keep most of your usual things in rotation, but add a few different things to see if she's any better with them.  Have you checked out the 'what my toddler ate today' thread for ideas?

It may well be her teeth - have you tried medicating before eating to test if it makes any difference.


Offline mkaes

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Re: 2.5 yo gone fussy!
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2010, 11:12:45 am »
I agree. I think sometimes even or good eaters get a little "picky" sometimes. Whether it is teething, not feeling well or just testing, etc. My first has always been a great eater, eating a variety of foods. She went through a phase at one point that if it looked a little different, she would refuse it even if it was something she normally ate. I would continue to offer the variety of foods (and a few new ones if you think she is getting bored) that you have been. I tend to ride these things out without making too much of a big deal about it. Didn't want to create a picky eater, but also didn't want them to perceive it as a power struggle (DD2 would make it a struggle every day just because she could if she thought it was bugging me :) ). There are days that DD2 doesn't appear to eat much, but other days where she eats everything in site. HTH

Offline sianie

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Re: 2.5 yo gone fussy!
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2010, 13:45:18 pm »
Thanks ladies!

I think that it's possibly a bit of her a/ being bothered a bit by her teeth (we do medicate) & b/ trying to push the boundaries a bit especially as her verbal skills have come on leaps & bounds recently!
Totally agree that I don't want it to end up as a power struggle (DD has inherited my stubborn streak, lol!) & I've been trying to not make a big deal out of it when she starts saying she 'doesn't like it'.

FX this is another phase that will pass!!