Author Topic: OT signs to look for and what to do then  (Read 807 times)

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Offline ikesmummy

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OT signs to look for and what to do then
« on: October 25, 2010, 08:35:05 am »
Ok so what with two pm nap refusals, Keaton refusing to go down for his first nap until around 5 hrs A time and some later starts to the day (yay - the 5amers were destroying me) we have had 5 1 nap days in a row. I have decided that while he seems happy and doesn't seem to be getting OT I'm going with it but I am really worried about him getting OT.

I'm obviously looking out for changes in his mood, return to EW and a short nap but are there other classic or non-classic signs of OT I should be looking out for? Also if/when we start to get them? do I just hope that he'll then take two naps to catch up? Should I be trying to fit in some two nap days as par for the course anyway and if so how should I be trying to do this?

Offline babybarr

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Re: OT signs to look for and what to do then
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2010, 21:04:46 pm »
Bumping your post mainly but I would try maybe throwing in a 2 nap day sooner rather than later as you have done 5 days with one nap.  I haven't really anything else to add to your list ;)

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Re: OT signs to look for and what to do then
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2010, 06:26:20 am »
Well it's half term now which means some day trips. Managed 2 naps yesterday. Nap 1 was 10.30 until 10.50 and nap 2 was 1.30 till 2.30 not sure if it was 1hr because we were out and it was in the pushchair or if I should have done it a little later? He was fine until bedtime at 7 even with the shorter nap.

We were at Paulton's park yesterday (do you know it Laura?) It's a great day out for my boys, lots of fresh air and opportunity to run around, thought it may even get me more of a lay in than 6.30 but should be happy with that as it was only a week ago it was 5 something everyday.

On the days I manage to get an early catnap what 2nd A would anyone suggest? I did a first A of 4hr second of 2hr 40 got me a 1hr nap but as I say this could have also been as we weren't at home, lots better than him completely refusing a nap in the pushchair as I was half expecting!

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Re: OT signs to look for and what to do then
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2010, 08:20:39 am »
my lo used to do about 3 hours after a 20 min nap so maybe try that. If he naps longer you have your answer! xx

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Offline babybarr

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Re: OT signs to look for and what to do then
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2010, 10:59:44 am »
I would have said about 3hrs too on a 30min nap.

I used to live round the corner from Paultons!  Have moved slightly further afield - well about a 15min drive now lol!

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Re: OT signs to look for and what to do then
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2010, 12:42:32 pm »
OT signs for my boy (14.5 months) are clumsy, uncoordinated and wingy behaviour - in other words cries at the slightest thing.  We are mostly on 2 naps but in the midst of doing 1 nap as well as sometimes he does a 12.5 hour night (so then it's a one nap day).  I tried doing only one nap every day to see if his body could adjust but it resulted in shorter naps and shorter nights then in the behaviour.  Another major thing for my son is if he wakes up crying in the morning from his night sleep - that's a big big sign that it's a 2 nap day - no question.   That's the first sign that he's heading into OT land, even if he's had a great night sleep, if he wakes tired it means a catch up day for us.   He also becomes fussy with his food when he is tired.  So for us it's quite obvious as his entire temperment changes...  my sons OT signs look like bad teething signs.  So I'm following cues with his 2-1 transition which is very frustrating as I'm never sure what the day is going to be like until I get up, but by doing it this way, I have a happier child.  He is my second, so there are days where I just have to push him to one nap if we have something on and deal with the ratty afternoon behaviour, shoot for an early bedtime and no that the following day is a 2 nap day to catch up.  We have had the past 3 days of only 1 nap due to 3 12.5 hour nights in a row so we may be moving closer to 1 nap but I will be keeping a close eye on the clumsy, uncoordinated behaviour and the crying at the slightest thing... HTH