HI there
my 15 month old hasnt had any bottles since 11 months it was quite easy to transition her off the bottles to sippee cup as she has a water sippee cup so it was quite easy, she has her milk in a sippee cup after she has breaky, and then her sippee cup at bedtime, this is her routine
8am wake, breakfast and sippee cup with milk
12pm lunch with water in sippee cup
1pm sleep (2 hours to 2 hours 30 nap)
3.30pm wake
5.30pm dinner with sippee cup with water
7pm bedtime routine, in room has sippee cup with milk, then read book and wind down and in bed by 7.30pm
Ok so she has 2 sippee cups a day with milk, do i have to drop any of these milk feeds? seeing they are in a cup and not a bottle, im happy to keep giving her milk with breakfast, but the bedtime one, should i be giving her milk after her dinner instead of the water then she w ouldnt have to have the sippee with milk at bedtime?
thanks kirsten