I'd use foods she already likes and add slightly more textured things to it. So if she likes pureed peas, add some really tiny soft pastas to that and use it like a sauce. Meats are harder to get the hang of so I'd hold off on leaving them as "pieces" until she's more successful with pastas, egg, grains, soft veggies and fruits first.
Also, intro the new foods the way you would have done it when she first started any solids. Meaning, if you do a soft pasta, repeat it for a few days, in the same manner so she can get used to it and really "taste" it and decide how she feels about it.
Eat when she eats....offer to let her try things off of your plate. Put what you're having on her tray and let her play with it and make a mess. If she tastes it during play, that's great.
Gerber makes those puffs that dissolve easily in your mouth. They are a great transitional food to more textured foods and help teach how to chew and mash which is def. a learned skill. You could also use one of those food net thingies where you put solid food into the mesh container and she gnaws on it and sucks on it and gets the flavor but doesn't gag or have to chew the food. Then you could gradually intro that same food in it's true form once she already likes the flavor.
When you do try meats, try to prepare them so they are moist and very soft/easy to chew. Cut them into TINY pieces at first so she gets the hang of chewing. Meats are much tougher to chew and when they feel dry in your mouth it's even more unappealing. Adding broth and sauces tend to help.
She'll get the hang of it with practice!

Oh, easily prepared ahead meals or fast meals:
Meatloaves--of course you'll have to work up to this!
Quiches and other egg based dishes, you can add veggies, meats, and cheeses to this as finely chopped or chunky as she needs
Frozen veggies-I just buy bagged frozen veggies and micro with some water for 4 mins and give them to DD plain. I often also added this to pasta and sauces for a whole "meal" around that age
Pancakes, which you can add fruits and veggies to (again, you may need to work up to this)
Muffins (same as above)
French toast (Provides egg so there is protein)