I realise this is quite similar to another post but I wonder whether the issues are the same? Anyway, DS is nearly 7 mo and up until a couple of weeks ago we were doing fairly well with solids. I'd introduced them a little early as he is a big boy (following 75th-91st centile) and so milk wasn't enough. He was starting to eat a fair amount of puree and starting to nibble on some finger foods, while still having 4 bottles of formula (no DF) and usually sttn. However, he then got a cold and understandably went off his food. He also had a cough and would often be sick after a feed, usually milk but sometimes solids too. He is now over the cold and cough but is still really off his solids for nearly a week now.
He has been mainly having fruit and vegetables but i'd started to introduce a little yoghurt and some chicken. He has eczema so I've been very wary about introducing new foods. He seemed to really enjoy his solids but now just isn't interested. He'll happily sit in his high chair and sometimes take a few spoonfuls of puree but then just won't open his mouth if he doesn't want any more. With finger foods he usually just plays with them. I've tried the foods he used to like and some new foods but he still won't take more than a few spoonfuls. Sometimes he will get a little ratty if i keep trying to feed him or if he gets bored I think, and I don't want him to have a negative association with food so I usually leave it.
Milk wise, he is still having 4 bottles a day and usually takes around 6 oz per feed. This amount hasn't really changed even though he's not having his solids and for about 5 days he's been waking up between 4-5:30am wanting milk. He doesn't seem any hungrier during the day.
I thought it might be teeth as there is his first one starting to come through the gum but he isn't showing any other signs of teething.
Any advice on what to do? I don't know whether I should be feeding him when he wakes up at night (he will go back to sleep after he's fed), or whether I should be starting to cut down on the amount of milk he gets?? Is it a phase, or related to his teeth? Should I keep trying new foods to find something he likes? i'm a bit stuck!!
Thank you
El xx