Hi there. My DD is now 9 months old and started solids at 6 months. She is a good eater, but she seems to really have a texture issue going on. She will easily eat purees and very thin consistencies, but anything lumpy or with some more texture causes her to gag violently and eventually throw up whatever just went down due to the excessive gagging. She can handle most Stage 2 babyfoods, and I make most of her foods myself, which I have been keeping somewhat thin due to the gagging. Meats and other foods with more texture, even when pureed a lot, are causing quite the gag, as are other things with something as simple as mango or avocado that have a thicker consistency. She loves her oatmeal though which is not very thin at all, so that's interesting. I keep trying to introduce only little bits of textured foods and lots of times mix in something she can easily eat (like apples or pears), but is there anything else I can do? I want to try to introduce table foods but I am pretty afraid that will be a big jump. Also, do they just outgrow the texture issue if you keep doing it over and over? I hate to see her gag/throw up so much, so I don't force it, but I also want her to learn to become accustomed to new textures. Lastly, and this may be a separate issue or not, but I have noticed she is suddenly spitting up more often (she never did before nor did she have reflux or any signs of it) an hour or so after meals when she plays and pushes on her tummy from sitting up and moving forward. She just learned to pull up and stand, and has been sitting on her own for quite awhile now, but often reaches and grabs for things when in sitting position, and I am guessing pushing on her tummy. It's usually an hour after eating though which I found strange. Could she potentially be filled with too many liquids (formula + all the purees)? Any thoughts or suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks so much!