Author Topic: EASY when you're starting weaning  (Read 1036 times)

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EASY when you're starting weaning
« on: October 30, 2010, 06:48:15 am »
Hi my lo is 20 weeks and I started weaning her last week, on advice of paed due to her reflux. She was taking the baby rice really nicely last week at lunch, I've now moved the baby rice to breakfast and I'm starting to give her porridge at lunch, which will move to dinner next week (this is the plan my hv gave me). I was wondering if anyone can give me a suggested 4 hr EASY when you're starting weaning. My lo still needs some milk before her solids to take the hunger away but if she has the full formula feed, she doesnt want to know the solids. She sleeps between 1hr and 2hrs for her naps (used to be 30 mins!!) but can at times be 45 mins. So I feel like we have to do EAEASA?! Can anyone help with a suggested plan please?! Thanks

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Re: EASY when you're starting weaning
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2010, 17:49:05 pm »
Hi there.  :)  Here is a link with some suggestions that might give you some ideas:

So, I think the easiest way to think about it when you're trying to work solids into your EASY routine, is that your baby's milk feeds are still the E part of EASY, and solids is part of the A.  Solid food before 1yr is more for fun.  Milk will be the most important part of your baby's diet until she is a year old.  So, in the case of a 4hr EASY, keep her milk feeds every 4hrs, then follow with her solids about 1hr after milk feeds.  I would not, especially at such a young age, limit the amount of formula she is drinking in favor of getting her to eat more solids.  Especially since your baby still is so young, focus on her milk feeds instead of worrying about how much solids she is eating.  The formula will be far more nutritious for her than the solids will be.  So if she is not as hungry to eat her solids after her formula, that's ok. 

A good 4hr EASY which includes solids might look something like this:
7am wake & eat - bottle
8am rice
9am nap, hopefully 2hrs
11am bottle
12pm porridge
1pm nap, hopefully 2hrs
3pm bottle
5pm catnap
7pm bottle & bed

Of course that would be how it goes in a perfect world!  It's the kind of thing you work towards, but you will have to tweak here and there depending on naps.  But like I mentioned, a good rule of thumb is milk feeds for the E, and solids an hour later as part of the A.

HTH :)
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