hi guys, this has probably been covered already and probably a lot, but i am having trouble with solids. my son who is a lovely little boy, not underweight, just will not eat lumps or textured food. he does not throw up, but he just spits it out or sometimes gags. he happily will eat finger foods, toast, bread, cheese, but anything on a spoon he expects to be pureed. he really is not a huge eater either.
the thing that is really starting to worry me is that i struggle to get protein into him in the form of finger foods. anybody else having the same issues?
this is my feed routine
6am wake and bottle feed (180ml)
8:30am breakfast (about 250ml of mix of yoghurt, pureed fruit and weebix – this is very smooth in consistency)
12:30 lunch (mix of finger foods and i try lots of other things, but i have to resort to pureed foods)
2pm (bottle of 180ml)
5-5:30pm (dinner, really struggle here - its mostly pureed food again)
6pm (final bottle of 180ml)
help, anybody please?