Dear Sarah
This is EXACTLY what we are going through! Our DD hardly eats anything at all! It is so hard to balance things and it is so stressful when one has a real fussy eater as we both seem to have! We have struggled with weight of our 19mth old girl since she was 4 months. She jumped from being in 75% down to 15%...and then again down to 1%...and thanks to milk she is now back to 15% in weight.
She is very spirited and very independent and stubborn. The food issues...i just don't know what to do. We were also told to refuse the milk for 3 whole days and that she will start to eat. It didn't happen!!! She likes to eat musli in the morning (my musli) or dry cornflakes. On a good day she will have something around 10-11am again, but it is something very small such as cornthins or rice cracker (for adults) with peanut butter on. I have tried leaving things around just in case she shows some interest - but no...nothing..not even a banana cake..not even banana..nothing..nothing at all...tried healthy stuff...tried unhealthy stuff...she has ZERO interest. If her hands get dirty - she is refusing to touch it EVER again!
We did 3 days of bottle refusal made her lose around 400grams which we can not afford. It is terrible. So this is what our GOOD FOOD day looks like at the moment:
-breakfast ard 8am: rice crispies w milk or dry cornflakes. I just put her in the chair and deal with the dishes. she is refusing to be feed so she is playing with it and sometimes she does eat for a bit. Then i come and join her with my musli and she will have 2-5tea spoons of that which i think is EXCELLENT
-i then give her vitamines (they are super sweet...but they contain everything and they also have vegetable in a sweetie form. i am not happy with them as they are too sweet, but my little one does take them and i know she has got everything in it).
-then she gets her water bottle with "juice" which is just water few drops of iron (cherry flavoured) (i am so worried about her being anemic so i am trying everything really).
-ard 11am i offer her rice cracker with peanut butter on. She sometimes has 1/4 of it...she sometimes has 3/4.
-before she goes to bed at midday i will give her small bottle (120ml) of FF milk with 1.2 spoons of brown rice cereal (supplemented with DHA etc) and we watch some cartoon while she drinks it.
-i am trying to refuse to give her any snacks in the afternoon in hope that she will get hungry but that never happens.
-she will drink her iron water and around 4.30 -5pm she will start getting really frustrated because she is hungry. I have tried all the tricks such as taking her out, changing the position of her chair, cooking all sorts (the eternal cooking...), ready made food etc etc and nothing works. The ONLY thing she will have is half cooked brown rice pasta by Bellamy and fries. I feel like a worse mother for giving her potatoe vedges, but it is the only thing she will eat!! I tried making my own nuggets...tried buying nuggets so she gets some kind of meat, but the answer is always NO, followed by high pitched scream, tears.
Before she goes to bed i will give her big bottle of formula (260ml) but she usually only has half of it.
Now this is description of a great day as i said.
Our bad day it is really bad.
No breakfast...instead i give her a small bottle ard 9am (after whole hour of trying different things) and then trying to give her some other fruit or cracker or something for the rest of the morning...and at noon i give her another small bottle (this time with brown rice cereal in so it is bit thicker). in afternoon, she will have iron water, fruit pouch of ella's kitchen (or equivalent) and then at 6.30 she will have her milk. Considering that by that time she has only had around 300 calories (and should be around 1200calories!!!) i give her a big bottle of formula (because it has all the additives, iron, vitamines) and i make it up with milk and add some rice cereal (so that is another 300 calories there).
I have tried forcing before, when she was around 13-14 months and when she couldn;t protest as much as now - but each and every time it has forced us to take several steps back! it always ended up in tears from both my and her side. I must admit that giving her the vitamines and iron supplemented water has made me chill out huge amount - at least i know she is getting things inside even though it is not in the manner i am happy with, but it is at least something!
I know they will be fine..well i don;t but i hope. When people say that kids wont starve themselves i always say: haven't meet my child because she WILL lose 5% of her body weight in 3 days just because she is not bothered with food!! She doesn't even give it a chance!! But i know she will discover pizza one day like the rest of us have...and bolognaise...and stews...and roasted chicken and mash! I just don;t know when :-(
Please let me know how it is going for you and if you have come up with any ideas on how to deal with the food.