Thanks for all of the support ladies!! I think I was being to hard on myself.
The last couple of days he has just been chewing on the nipples of his bottles, so last night I checked his mouth while I was brushing his teeth and 3 molars have broken through!

So I am thinking that might be the reason for the eating issue. I gave him tylenol about 1hr before supper and he happily munched on some chili (much more than usually) and then when he was done I put the rest on a piece of bread and he finished the rest! So I am going continue to let him eat whatever he whats, but making sure to offer what I want him to eat first

Jaci - I have been getting the same comments as well about Aiden eating "normal" food (though it does need to be cut up into smaller pieces), so I was thinking that maybe I wasn't getting good advice about just letting him eat what he wanted!
M to M&M - He LOVES sandwiches. He would he them all day, every day if I let him. He doesn't care what is on them as long as there is cheese. I am using them as much as possible right now because I am sure he will get to the point of refusing them and I will look back and ask myself "why didn't I try to give him more sandwiches while I could?!" lol