Author Topic: When did your LO give up bottles?  (Read 1399 times)

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Offline lyeats44

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When did your LO give up bottles?
« on: November 01, 2010, 20:50:07 pm »
Hey everyone,

Im curious when your little one gave up the bottle?  My DD is just over 13 months and has 1 bottle before nap and 1 bottle before bed.  She has water in a sippy at all her meals.

She is a great eater and pretty good sleeper.  She doesn't fall asleep with the bottle, but its a big part of her wind-down and relaxation before BT (she is a VERY busy kid). 

I guess my two concerns with getting rid of the bottle are:
1- her getting enough Milk (not sure how much is required at this age, but I feel like we would go from a lot to much less as I would want her to still get plenty of water with her meals).
2 - Finding something that would help with the wind down.  We do books too, but 5-10 minutes of cuddles with her bottle will be hard to replace. 

Curious to hear what others do!  Thanks :)

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Re: When did your LO give up bottles?
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2010, 20:55:41 pm »
I must confess that DD has JUST dropped the bottle... (she's 3...)
Exactly for the reason you're saying with the windown etc.
From she was one I started giving her all her milk in a cup but the BT bottle bottle stayed until around 2 weeks ago when she said she wanted Strwaberry milk, I told her that it would have to be in a cup since it was for big girls and that was it, she was happy enough to have is substituted.

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Re: When did your LO give up bottles?
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2010, 21:05:24 pm »
DD1 is 25m and she still has milk when she wakes up and goes to bed, I don't feel it's a big deal, I like having tea when I wake up! :) She has it in a sippy though, gave up the bottles cold turkey at 15m, only offered her a sippy so she could take it or leave it.
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Re: When did your LO give up bottles?
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2010, 21:16:16 pm »
Ds is 1 and He has his milk in bottles and juice in a sippy. Its no big deal to me as its a massive comfort thing to him, he's spirited so won't sit while we feed him He literally has to have it in his cot where He rolls around and sucks his bottle like he's in bliss lol! X I dunno when I will get rid of it, but I'm in no hurry its not like He has it hanging from his mouth all day x x
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Re: When did your LO give up bottles?
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2010, 00:27:59 am »
Nathan is the same as your DD, Lyeatts. He is 18.5 months old and a hyper little bunny. He needs that bottle to slow down and relax before sleeping, and *I* need that bottle to get the snuggles I need from my boy who is growing up too fast! We cut his morning one a few months ago with little fuss; I am sure that the other two will drop off when it is time.

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Re: When did your LO give up bottles?
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2010, 00:35:51 am »
We got rid of the bottles around here about a week ago.  He has milk in a sippy in the morning, some meals, and before bed.  Water the rest of the day.  I calculated for a couple of days and he was getting enough milk.  We snuggle with the sippy at bedtime now.  It took a few days to adjust but now he's doing fine with it.

For us, I figured we may as well drop it early before he's super attached to it. But as you can see here, lots seem to do well with it for quite a bit longer!  I think it's mostly up to you. :D

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Re: When did your LO give up bottles?
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2010, 00:48:57 am »
Both of my kids gave up those final bedtime bottles at 18 months.  The morning one went first (I had the same concerns about enough milk).  My daughter hated milk, would only drink it with formula mixed in no matter how little.  One day I stopped the formula add, she refused it, and I never gave it back and she never asked for it back - 18 months.  My son was just like your LO, HUGE part of his wind down (sem-spirited this one) so I wasn't in any hurry but even he just started refusing it, first from other people and then finally he wouldn't take it from me either.  Because it was his choice things weren't crazy, he'd just put his head down instead of turn for the bottle.  I now bring his sippy to his room and he'll have a drink before he goes to sleep... the new worry, potty training a boy who likes his evening beverage.  Ah, always somethin!!  :)  Anyway, my point is, don't stress it  ;)

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Re: When did your LO give up bottles?
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2010, 01:02:18 am »
This is funny because I am right there. DD has been on two bottles since 12 months and 1 sippy of milk and the rest sippies of water.  I dropped the morning bottle almost 2 days ago because she started asking for a morning snack (which she has never done before) so I give her a snack and put the milk in the sippy.  No complaints from her at all but of course now I am concerned about her intake because she never finishes a cup like she does the bottle.  We still have 1 bottle right before bed and just like with the morning bottle I will follow her lead unless we get to the point of ridiculousness (like 5 and going to kindergarten) lol. 

Offline lyeats44

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Re: When did your LO give up bottles?
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2010, 17:39:43 pm »
Thanks all for the info... I think we might keep it around for a bit longer then and eventually start by cutting out the am bottle.

and *I* need that bottle to get the snuggles I need from my boy who is growing up too fast!

lol...  I didnt specifically say this was one of my concerns, but it TOTALLY is!  Without the bottle my cuddle time is drastically cut short!