Hi Julie

Don't stress too much about DS's iron dropping right away at 6mos. A baby's iron stores start depleting between 6-12mos, but it's not like they altogether disappear at 6mos on the dot. So that gives you plenty of time to start introducing a wide variety of foods, including ones that are iron rich. And he will still be getting iron from your breastmilk, which is better absorbed by him than anything you will feed him anyway.
Some iron rich foods include: green leafy vegetables, beets (T LOVED these!), asparagus, carrots, grapes, bananas, dried fruits, beans (another favorite), meats, fish, poultry, lentils, and blackstrap molasses (you can add this to all kinds of stuff).
So with that point, you could try BLW with little worry about whether or not he is getting enough iron. Solids is more for exploration, and as he works up to eating more and more foods, he will get everything he needs. Remember that your milk has absolutely everything he needs up until a year.

I'm actually just reading the BLW book and it makes a lot of sense. He will actually learn to chew/swallow faster if given the opportunity to try with finger foods, and he will probably be more adventurous with texture if he starts with finger foods rather than just purees. Have you checked out the BLW support thread? There are lots of mamas there who have BTDT and could put your mind at ease. Here it is:
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=175926.0I'm not too familiar on organic foods, additives, pesticides etc., either, but it is something I'd like to look more into as well so will be checking out the links the other Julie posted.