Author Topic: DS is a good eater but...  (Read 1208 times)

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DS is a good eater but...
« on: November 02, 2010, 14:29:32 pm »
portion control is a bit of an issue.  He wants a lot of one thing but not much of another, or not one bit of another.  He'll typically 'try' everything on his plate but he won't eat everything.  Most things go in his mouth and straight back out again. 

We serve chicken, rice and peas.
He'll want a whole chicken breast - yep that's right, sometimes even more - some rice but maybe only 2 peas.
We serve pasta with veg sauce.
He'll consume more than 1.5 cups of pasta - yep and asking for 'more' with his sign language - but completely eat around the green peppers.

So what do you do in these cases?  Say 'no more pasta, eat your peppers?' or feed him because if he's asking for more he's clearly hungry? 

I'm not very good with the whole eating thing really.  DH and I are both seriously picky eaters and we have our own food issues (like my addiction to chocolate and his inability to eat anything other than Marmite for the most part) and we are desperately trying to be a 'normal' family with 'regular' meals and mealtimes etc.
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Re: DS is a good eater but...
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2010, 14:33:10 pm »
If he has tasted everything on his plate he is doing GREAT, and I'd let him have more of the bit he's eating. That's our rule - Stan doesn't have to eat everything on his plate but he does have to taste everything. You can always try 'let me see you eat two bites of rice, then I'll get you some more chicken', but he's probably too young for that.

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Re: DS is a good eater but...
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2010, 14:33:28 pm »
Wendy, I think it's AWESOME that he's even trying everything on his plate. I wish my DS would try even half of what I give him. Sounds like you and he are doing great and I'd keep doing the same. Offer some of everything, model good habits and show him how yummy you think the peppers, etc are (without pushing him to eat them himself) and go from there. If you want, when he gets older (I'd say at least 2) you can institute a rule of eating at least X bites of everything before he gets more of his favorites but IMO all that does is reinforce that the things you are requiring bites of aren't really good...
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Re: DS is a good eater but...
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2010, 16:08:15 pm »
I think that as long as he is trying everything that is amazing!!  Just keep doing what you are doing. 

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Re: DS is a good eater but...
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2010, 16:40:45 pm »
I agree that is is great that he is not outright refusing food. We are having that with Nathan right now and it is maddening! It sounds like you might be concerned that he is not eating the veggies, as well as the portion issue. If so, you can always blend the green peppers (for example) into the pasta sauce to kind of trick him into eating them. I agree that he is a little young for the 'eat this, not that' kind of thing... he is just hungry, and knows what he likes.

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Re: DS is a good eater but...
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2010, 16:45:27 pm »
I agree with PP's, sounds like he is doing well that he is willing to try.  DS is the same, will try but sure let's us know when something is not good.  I also don't blame him for not wanting to eat green peppers lol.  They are the worst peppers IMHO!  Red and orange are much sweeter and less gassy, green ones taste like motor oil to me lol.

Offline Tweakster

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Re: DS is a good eater but...
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2010, 17:26:28 pm »  He is currently eating more pasta than I do though lol  I guess I just worry about overfeeding because he tends to eat quickly, like shovels it in...then like 10 minutes later he's picking at it because he's all fulled up from eating so fast lol  He's too young to eat slower either, just something we'll have to monitor as he gets older.  Remind him to chew.  That sort of thing.

Yeah he's great, after the whole refluxopalooza and slooowwww start to solids then more teeth to muck things up, we've come out the other side ok.  He is mostly willing to try anything on his plate, colour seems to play a big part too.  He wouldn't try stuffing at Thanksgiving for example, but maybe it was the smell or look or sommat, dunno.  Personally I don't like it either so can't blame the kid!  I won't tell you what it looked like. 

There are things that he outright says no to, like Nello he's good about telling us his likes and dislikes.  The joy of a kid who knows what he wants I guess lol

lol Ais - I won't even ASK how you know what motor oil tastes like...
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