I agree with Kara. The reason for starting solids in the morning is so if your LO has any reaction to them, you have the day to hopefully sort it out, instead of dealing with it at night. Also, their digestion slows down at night when they are sleeping so it could upset their tummies further. Now, the reason I believe it is suggested to do rice before bed for reflux babies is so that the solids will hopefully keep the acid down overnight. Personally I think the risk of LO reacting to the solids and then having tummy issues at night is worse than having to continue to work through the reflux until solids are properly established. Especially since you are starting a little on the earlier side, your LO's tummy could be a bit sensitive to rice cereal.
I can sympathize with your LO having reflux and struggling with small feeds and hunger. But really solids don't necessarily fill up a baby's tummy any more. I think a better route, if you would like to start solids now, would be to go slowly and introduce new foods in the morning. Then moving them to lunch and eventually dinner as you incorporate more foods. You can start with rice cereal if you like, but something like sweet potato or pears might be a little easier to digest.
Another little thing that I have run into with my DS2 (who also has reflux), is he is just not keen on purees, cereal, or being spoon-fed. I was of the mindset that if I started solids at 5mos it might help fill him up more because he too takes small feeds and is hungry a lot. But he would have none of it! So I decided to wait and go slower because I don't want to risk forcing him to eat before he's ready and possibly having larger problems down the road, kwim?
Hope that helps a little bit.