Ah toddlers eh?
I think this is the heart of it!

And like you said, Martina, it's about remembering they're toddlers and not babies anymore.

Will try a post-dinner snack (even if it's awfully close to dinner, as you said, Wendy) and also making sure there's something he likes on his tray at the same time as something new, so he doesn't learn that if he doesn't eat what's new he gets something else after. I think that timing was what was bugging me.

Of course, after saying that, I gave him mini-ravioli with pesto for lunch, which is one of his favorites. He literally has eaten half the package (1.5 adult servings!) in 1 sitting at times. And he ate about 4 bites. So who knows!! LOL.
Thanks for all the thoughts, ladies. Feeding these toddlers really is a challenge!