Yeah, I always prep him for EVERYTHING. I try to make him look at me which is very hard to do lol but just so I know he's paying attention to what I am saying, which we are still not 100% sure he's really listening and understanding. But I say 'I'm making dinner, it's almost ready, we are going to eat soon' then give him a play by play as we go along and then eventually say 'ok time to eat' pull the chair out get the bib etc. He just ignores me. I am going to go for the timer next.
Also running anywhere means you end up running all by yourself, looking back and he has gone in the other direction lol He doesn't want to race - he only has his own agenda.
When MIL was over she suggested that we just walk away when we were out somewhere and he refused to come or follow us, all that ended up doing is sending him the other way lol We'd then have to turn and run and chase him before he got into something dangerous. She was surprised because it always works with kids when they think you are leaving them somewhere.
Even last night he wouldn't come in the house - I eventually had to close the garage door because the cats were looking to run out, eventually I had to go back and just carry him in screeching because he just refused to come no matter what I did. He's pretty persistent, independent, all that jazz.