"Start as you mean to go on" has been my mantra for parenting lately, and I think it applies here.
I think if in the future you plan to be a family that eats meals in a more casual way, ie: prepare it and as people are ready they grab dinner, maybe eat at the table, maybe not, then I say don't fight him on it. However, if in the future you see your meals happening as an entire family, everyone sitting down at the same time, eating together and so on, then I say it's something to start now.
We plan to do family meals, and so regardless if Ambrose wants to sit down, he does, sometimes it involves a little fight, but so do many of the things right now

. He may not always eat tons, but he does sit with us. I view meal times as a teaching tool on so many levels, language development, social courtesies, fine motor activities....so not only is it a time to connect, but a time to teach life skills.
As far as getting him there, Ambrose isn't as spirited as Finn, so my ideas may not work. Ambrose currently "helps" set the table, usually he puts out cloth napkins, which more often then not are all placed in a heap on a chair

, or he lays out forks/spoons (again, no where near where they are supposed to go, but he's helping)...I just try and get him involved. Sometimes it doesn't work, and he doesn't want to come to the table, but he comes anyway, just like when he doesn't want to sleep, but he needs to, it's not really a negotiable thing here.
Having said all that, when teething hits, all bets are off lol