I know this is a weird question but talking to other mums has got me thinking I'm doing it all wrong. My DD has just turned one and is relatively tiny. She is 19lb 10oz now. She had loads of issues with reflux, allergies, sleep etc. The list was quite endless but its all good now though thankfully. She has always drunk very small quantities of milk, no more than 3.5 to 4oz per bottle or sippy. She's offered milk, well formula at the moment 4 times a day. The pediatrician has told me that as she only drinks small quantities not to drop a feed.
I followed the BW routine of EAS whereby she would wake from her naps and have a bottle or sippy. Basically she has her milk with her snacks. Now she is on one nap a day so our routine is as follows:-
Wake 5.45/6.00
Milk 6.30
Breakfast 7.30
Milk & Snack 10.00
Lunch 11.45
Nap 12.30- (somewhere between 2.15 & 3.30)
Milk & Snack (somewhere between 2.15 & 3.30 depending on length of nap)
Dinner 5.15
Bath, Milk & Bed 7.00-7.15
Most mums it seems give milk with meals. Firstly, this would either make breakfast really early or would make her anxious and wonder where her milk was and secondly from previous experience I don't think she'd eat much solids if she had milk beforehand. She eats very little also but is happy & doing great so I'm not overly concerned about her milk and food intake. I think she is just a petite LO with very low food needs. I'm just concerned as she doesn't drink at all with her meals. Should I switch it around? Does anyone else do it this way? I'm not sure if its wrong or not or is something that needs fixing. Just first time mum worrying I guess.
Thanks to anyone who can offer any advice.