so we have NW's, EW's and rubbish naps. When it falls apart with h it tends to be extreme and I need some help.
he is not teething so guess this is OT related due to clock change. He did start nursery yesterday am but things have been bad for a few days so can't blame that yet really.
A - vicious EW around 5am. i went in and resettled him and he did go back to sleep till 6.45am
S - 12.45-1.45pm -
Bedtime - asleep by 7pm
A - somewhere around 5.45am
Not sure how to play this as he is not a good napper so I am worried to bring it forward in case it just leaves me with even longer to bed.
Scared about earlier bedtime because in the past this has meant an earlier wake and then due to bad naps it is so hard to get the day back on track.
He is just shattered and so am I. NW's are so rare for him and up until this week we had been doing so well for us, I am scared we are regressing in a big way.
In the past with teeth I tried to keep to the same routine pretty much and he would sort himself out but not so sure this time, he is so tired.