My LO is almost 11 months and he is not at all interested in solids. I'm not sure how/where to start to get him to eat more. Right now he still takes in almost all of his nutrients from formula and will, on occasion, take in a whole meals worth of solids. He seems to go through a week or two of refusing all solids and only wanting formula to a week of eating solids really well. Here is his routine
7:30 wake for the day
8:00 6 oz bottle and solids (usually 1tbs oatmeal and pears and toast)
10:55-11:45 nap (will take 4 oz bottle before his nap sometimes)
1:00 lunch pasta/beans/pureed or mashed veggies/soup and water in sippy (he only eats a few spoonfuls)
2:30 6 oz bottle
3:15-4:30 nap
5:00 6 oz bottle
6:30 dinner (he usually eats whatever we're eating, but doesn't eat much, just a few spoonfuls)
8:00 8-10 oz bottle and bedtime
**3:00 am 6 oz bottle (currently trying to phase this out, he's waking out of habit)
I know he's getting too much formula, but I have no idea where to start cutting that out. If I try to feed him solids and give him less formula during the day he gets really fussy and cranky from being hungry. I haven't been able to get a spoon into his mouth for over a week, he tries to grab it, push it away, or will just refuse to open up for the spoon. He will finger feed himself pretty well in the morning, but the other two meals just don't work out as well. Where do I start?