My DS2 is now 6 months and has been EBF, had a much better time this time round than with my first. However, I have this problem with my let-down (which I can feel and can see in DS gulping) being delayed or completely absent when I get stressed out. It has happened a couple of times over the past months and is incredibly distressing for me and I get really worried about it. Well, tonight it happened again - the first time ever having NO let down at the before bed feed (had had a vv stressful day with 2 sick kids and a broken down boiler).
It really stresses me out that he won't be getting enough milk - and then not sleeping.. and I am thinking should I start to top him up with formula when it happens, or will this be the beginning of the end. Just typing that makes me sad, but my husband is getting really annoyed with me when I stress so much and he has started saying that the time has come to start him taking the bottle for some feeds.
I worry that if I start topping him up that my mlk supply will go down and it will be the gradual decline of BFing. I know it has to happen at some point (going back to work in March), but still feel sad.. but I also can't cope with the stress of not having a let down and feeling he is not getting enough milk.
Sorry if I am talking rubbish in my sleep deprived state, just feeling a bit mixed up about it all.