Author Topic: When did you switch LO to low fat milk?  (Read 6179 times)

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Re: When did you switch LO to low fat milk?
« Reply #30 on: November 12, 2010, 16:14:32 pm »
He has a straw cup but to no avail.  We have tried every cup under the sun.  He just doesn't drink much unless it's out of our water bottles lol or an open cup.  If I have my water bottle, he suddenly decides he's thirsty, like DYING of thirst, and if you offer up one of his water bottles or cups he gets even more worked up.  'No I want yours mother!'

I hesitate to keep sharing bottles because I don't need that many daycare germs and also heard it's bad for their teeth as well.

So I just want to get him drinking a bit more because I think it would help him overall.

@mashi, good point lol 
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Re: When did you switch LO to low fat milk?
« Reply #31 on: November 12, 2010, 16:21:42 pm »
I NEVER heard that before!! DS is 2 and 8 months and still on whole milk - he has a bottle at night (Santa is taking it away though :) )
He is 15kg's 33 pounds (but quite tall)
Will prob just keep it as it is now until christmas!! you learn something new every day....

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Re: When did you switch LO to low fat milk?
« Reply #32 on: November 12, 2010, 16:48:54 pm »
I hesitate to keep sharing bottles because I don't need that many daycare germs and also heard it's bad for their teeth as well.

yeah, daycare germs are no fun!  Oh well, if the open cup works that's great. 

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Re: When did you switch LO to low fat milk?
« Reply #33 on: November 12, 2010, 18:15:34 pm »
Same as with DD I will do full fat until at least 2, then switch to 2%. I'd keep them both on full fat TBH as like Deb I think it's better in many ways (brain development when young, metabolism, etc) BUT whole milk seems to give DD a belly ache. Myself, I use almond milk. So I'm used to buying many different kinds!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: When did you switch LO to low fat milk?
« Reply #34 on: November 12, 2010, 19:18:08 pm »
Deb is right that you need fat for metabolism and hormone production.  But it shouldn't come from saturated fat that is in whole milk.  Stick to the PB. ;)

*agrees to disagree* :)

LOL Deb.  I know how you feel and I am not going to debate you.  I just know a heart surgeon who thinks that if people would cut out the saturated fat from dairy and meat, it would eliminate many issues.  But now I am changing the theme of this thread... lol

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Re: When did you switch LO to low fat milk?
« Reply #35 on: November 12, 2010, 20:05:20 pm »
FWIW, I'm with Deb on this (cos I loves me milk? dunno). Watching "Sugar, the bitter truth" sure adjusted my opinion of a lot of things though...

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Re: When did you switch LO to low fat milk?
« Reply #36 on: November 12, 2010, 20:26:28 pm »
I agree with your heart doctor Kara on the MEAT part. I think we get WAY too much fat from animals/red meat. But from my research and French cousins, I don't think dairy fat is nearly as bad (Think French Women Don't Get Fat, etc). I think many of us would be better off with less animal fats, less sugar and more grains and vegetables. And reasonable amounts of full-fat dairy.

Basically, in my mind, animal fats and sugar and OUT OF CONTROL portion sizes are way worse problems than dairy fat.

We are all really good at taking threads of course, aren't we?!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: When did you switch LO to low fat milk?
« Reply #37 on: November 12, 2010, 21:00:18 pm »
Since we're all over the place anyway, topic-wise..... ::) ;D

We've found that good high-quality meat (and milk) don't leave us with the same effects of industrially-farmed meat and milk. The rare occasions when we can get raw milk, we LOOOOOOVE the taste and we don't have any of the digestive after-effects. (For anyone concerned, Pennsylvania raw milk dairy farms are super-highly regulated and inspected so we feel confident getting milk from certified farms there, plus the farmers who sell it do NOT want bad press or lawsuits so they are really scrupulously clean.) Grass-fed meats don't leave me in food comas the way "regular" meat does either, so I'm inclined to think it's not so much the saturated fat but the quality of the farming. :( My breakfast smoothie consists of full-fat yogurt and coconut milk (plus rice protein powder and a calcium supplement), both higher in saturated fat than my doctor would deem fit for human consumption, plus a raw egg from my friend's backyard chickens when they're available, and I'm LOSING weight at long last despite a stubborn thyroid. It fills me up the whole morning, seriously, and it's the good sat fat that does it, I'm sure of it.

My doc praised my cholesterol numbers and was shocked - SHOCKED, I tell you! - that we consume and cook in coconut oil, not to mention full-fat dairy (including butter), plenty of eggs, and dark-meat chicken, and Heaven forbid we occasionally cook veg in leftover bacon fat (but have you ever had your kids ask for THIRDS on okra or green beans? ;D). Yes, plenty of people eat way more meat than they should, but so far the USDA-recommended diet high in grains and low in sat fats hasn't really panned out, what with the much higher levels of diabetes and obesity and occurring at younger and younger ages. Grains are also prepared differently than they used to be, as are pretty much most foods we get unless they're specifically raised and processed without the extras. Even Crisco, which is pretty much pure trans fat (hydrogentated oil), is marketed in the States as having 0 grams of trans fat per serving, with a serving size small enough to legally round down to zero.

There is still emerging research on the effects of (naturally) saturated fats and how necessary they are for neural and eye development, but in the absence of messed-up blood chemistry or obesity or behavioral effects of the stuff on my kids (who seem to be like canaries in a coal mine when it comes to food), I'm sticking with the stuff for now. :)

*steps gingerly backward off soapbox*

In any event, it is interesting to see the different recommendations even from country to country or region to region in the opinions of doctors about when to go low-fat with the milk.

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Re: When did you switch LO to low fat milk?
« Reply #38 on: November 12, 2010, 21:24:18 pm »
Yes it is all a bit of the French Paradox isn't it.

Certainly saturated fats are necessary, so you just have to be careful where you consume them if you have to limit them.  For me I love chocolate and won't give it up, so I need to be careful with where I am getting the rest of my fats and sugar. 

No one said to me 'time to get Finn off the whole milk' I was just curious if I could make my life easier by getting everyone streamlined on to a similar milk regime lol  But alas not that simple...
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Re: When did you switch LO to low fat milk?
« Reply #39 on: November 12, 2010, 21:27:19 pm »
Deb my mother would love you!  And I agree fats get a bad rap.  We use coconut oil and milk too!  

OP.  DS got whole milk til one day he decided he didn't like it.  Now he drinks whole milk kefir.  Not nice considering you can't order the stuff at a resteraunt or grab a bottle at the gas and gulp!  From a medical point of view don't know if its bad or good.  Sorry...
Catherine - Sri - Vee


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Re: When did you switch LO to low fat milk?
« Reply #40 on: November 13, 2010, 09:01:51 am »
Sam and Jenn still drink whole milk (3.7%). They are tall and skinny and it's good fats.